So by now, does anyone know if the Wii U graphics = PS3/360?

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Re: So by now, does anyone know if the Wii U graphics = PS3/

Postby Yari » Thu Aug 08, 2013 2:02 pm

^ @Agent C" ... Great news. Thanks!
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Re: So by now, does anyone know if the Wii U graphics = PS3/

Postby zaganh » Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:19 pm

I'll be playing on the wii u Nintendo I'd zaganh =D
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Re: So by now, does anyone know if the Wii U graphics = PS3/

Postby AceSoloMcCloud » Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:51 am

You'll find there are seperate threads to exchange PSN ID, Gamertag and Nintendo ID, there's also one for the Trophy/achievement-centric users here.

It is a nice touch that toy boxes can be shared amongst platforms, and I'm quite excited as Zi hear not just the Toybox but also Playsets are upto 4 player Co-Op (same platform only though*).

I'll be getting Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii U at launch, so could do a platform comparison review.

*The challenges in overcoming this limitation are likely too complex, too expensive, and too political to achieve.
It would require custom system to work with the other platforms and mesh them together, if Microsoft didn't already have the largest server farm already providing Xbox Live and Sony and Nintendo finally making some of their own infrastructure (before they left it to games developers/publishers to find someone to host the multiplayer) there could have been a chance for a suitably powerful organisation to muscle in and "encourage" the platforms to use a central system for Multiplayer.

I'm curious to know the gritty details of Multiplayer, are there lobbies? Is it a setting when you start your game (private, friends only, public) as to who can jump into your game?
What servers do you use for connecting users? Xbox I expect it is Ms' own live servers, for PS3 have you used Quazal? How long is the initial contract of MP services? Do you/Disney plan to extend it? With the release of Disney Infinity 2 will it reuse the existing MP platform? Or when DI2 is out, would the PS3 online abilities likely cease (or at the end of the contract)?
Obviously on Xbox this is not likely a problem as most companies use MS' server which continue to run and don't appear to be at a cost to Developer/Publisher over time, those that don't *cough* EA *cough* are always closing servers to reuse for their next game, saving them the cost of more hardware, which would be fine if they were decade old games no one plays anymore but they aren't, sometimes not even a year old!), but as Sony don't provide that platform on PS3 and I doubt Nintendo do either, it's up to companies like Quazal to fill in, but they obviously charge for the length it's available for a fixed term and if not renewed then "The multiplayer server goes down/dead", depending on how far PS4's new online service goes.... downloading games, demos, streaming games is a job alone, actual MP servers? Don't think we have confirmation yet but considering PS Plus becomes mandatory for online if they don't I'll feel out of pocket. I don't mind paying Xbox Live because it equals stable online servers run by Microsoft since 360 was launched.

Anyway, real curious how DI's MP runs both above and under the hood.

Wish I'd gotten into gaming industry, would have worked for someone like Quazal, wonder if there's any UK equivalents.
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Re: So by now, does anyone know if the Wii U graphics = PS3/

Postby FROZOFAN » Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:54 am

^It has been confirmed that there will be no lobbies, online multiplayer will only be able to be played with people on your friends list.
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Re: So by now, does anyone know if the Wii U graphics = PS3/

Postby AceSoloMcCloud » Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:46 pm

Hmm... I wonder how many of my current friends list are going to get Infinity, not many I expect.
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Re: So by now, does anyone know if the Wii U graphics = PS3/

Postby Jbot123 » Sat Aug 10, 2013 1:19 pm

The Wii U has better graphics than the others. No need to cancel your order.
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Re: So by now, does anyone know if the Wii U graphics = PS3/

Postby axonometri » Sat Aug 10, 2013 2:32 pm

I don't think fretting over graphical level and differences is going to be worth the headache on this guys. Gals. Between the engine and art style there will be very little difference between platforms as far as visuals. The Wii U may look a wee bit smoother, but even on PC, the level of upgraded visuals will be limited to resolution and a few GPU advances. Things that you likely will not even notice after a few minutes of playing on any platform. The Wii U as well PC might play a role in memory available in Toy Box mode though. Depending on how they go about that. They will very likely keep Memory availability equal on all platforms seeing how user created content will be accessible cross platform. It wouldn't make sense for one platform to have a massive amount and another a lesser amount.
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Re: So by now, does anyone know if the Wii U graphics = PS3/

Postby LegendofAngel23 » Sat Aug 10, 2013 3:38 pm

^^^ See, I'm not worried about the Graphics of the Wii U to be better, just the same. I'm hoping.
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Re: So by now, does anyone know if the Wii U graphics = PS3/

Postby ronniedobbs » Sat Aug 10, 2013 7:52 pm

I'm hoping the Wii U graphics will be slightly more polished.
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