Has anyone seen any Wii footage?

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Has anyone seen any Wii footage?

Postby SeaNet » Mon Aug 12, 2013 8:39 pm

I realize it is not the primary sku by a long shot but I'm wondering how it looks, besides lack of hd.
How did they compromise with the lack of buttons? Will it use pointer control to compensate? It won't have online play, but will it it be able to download others creation at least? I don't think that would have been to hard to do, maybe limit the downloads to 50 instead of 99.
I just can't seem to find any videos of that system online.

Same goes for 3ds. How is that game different? It's "toy box challenge" apparently composed of mini games? That system seems to have some online component, but how much of that game if customizable? Is it just a Mario Party clone?

Any ideas? Or better yet, videos? Was there anything shown off at D23 that could help?
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Re: Has anyone seen any Wii footage?

Postby fdanielix » Mon Aug 12, 2013 10:09 pm

i was wondering the same thing , but no footage has been shown
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