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Questions About Toybox

PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:25 am
by IAmVianca
I hope this is the right forum to post this question since I don't want my first topic to end up being posted on the wrong place.
Anyways, I have started to plan on what my first ToyBox creation would be and am just aiming to finish the Pirates PlaySet before I go at it, but I have a question about the Toybox. I'm not sure if this has been answered via a YouTube video (can't open any of them at the moment, thanks to my wibbley ISP). But the question are:

1. How big of a world can you create in the Toybox? Are there limits to the number of blocks you can place?
2. Can you create oceans or large bodies of water?
3. Those "people" you unlock in the vault, can you place one type of them on a specific place (eg. the forest critters only appearing in the forest area), or do they just appear randomly or something?

I'm sorry if this has been answered before, but I hadn't played on the ToyBox yet apart from using my spins.
Thanks in advance for the answers and help.

Re: Questions About Toybox

PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:36 am
by shiftyraccoon
I want to know about water too (other than lakes and ponds)

Re: Questions About Toybox

PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:51 am
by bloxxerman
1. There are limitations, but you have to place a incredibly large number of blocks to reach it. However, if you're using a lot of moving toys, you'll hit it sooner rather than later.
2. No, you cannot have water in Disney Infinity. You can however place blocks and colour them blue.
3. No, you can place them wherever you want. If you were creating a forest map and you wanted some animals, you could place the Monster University people as well as the forest critters. Just do whatever your imagination tells you!

Hope this helps!

Re: Questions About Toybox

PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 1:15 pm
by IAmVianca
Thank you, bloxxerman.
So, the only way to make an ocean is to make some sort of illusion for one? That's a bummer.

Re: Questions About Toybox

PostPosted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 12:41 am
by IAmVianca
Bumping my thread since I don't want to clutter the forum by making a new one which basically just asks a few more toy box related questions.

1. The "skins" you unlock on the playsets, are they usable in the Toybox? Because I'm thinking of making a red carpet inside the castle I've built, but when I go into spark mode, press the triangle button, I only get, like, three "skins" (forgot what they are actually called, :p). I can't even find the chrome one (and I've unlocked it), or the one that could work as a coloring for an ocean.

2. I'm building a forest on the west side of my castle. I managed to place some trees around it, but I couldn't add any more and it created sort of a clearing in the middle of a forest. I wouldn't have minded, if I can put anything else inside the clearing. But I can't. And I can still put more blocks. I've added an image to let you guys know what I am talking about. So, basically, my question is: Why? Why can't I place anything else in there? Not even a character. It's so frustrating.

3. How can you make rooms inside a castle? Because the castle I made has three levels and are big enough to have rooms. I was planning on having challenges in each floor, but I can't figure out how to make those rooms.

4. I've maxed out all of my characters' levels (and I only have five: the three starter characters, plus Elsa and Anna), and used up all the infinity spins for the item vault. I'm not sure if it's been asked before, but I'll ask away anyways: where can I get more of those spins? I hope there's more ways than leveling a character because, if so, I can only buy one this coming weekend (I intend to purchase the new DBZ game for the Vita and the Definitive Edition of Tomb Raider for the PS4) and I'm leaning on either buying Rapunzel or Wreck it Ralph (unless our local shop has Venelope).

5. Which is a better playset? The Cars one or the Lone Ranger one? I mean, in terms of gameplay and the collectibles for the Toybox?

Anyways, those are my new set of questions.
Thanking people in advance for the answer! :)

Re: Questions About Toybox

PostPosted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:36 am
by 0silverphoenix
1. The textures(skins) only work on the block toys, not the terrains or anything else.

2. I actually can't see the image, so I can't really help you there.

3. To make rooms in castles, I usually use different block toys. There's one that works as a wall and others that work as floors/ceilings.

4. Since the infinite spin trick has been "fixed", the main way to unlock spins is through leveling characters. (15 spins per character) You can also participate in the Character Adventures (3 spins per adventure, 1 adventure per character) or Mastery Adventures (1 spin each). You can get to the Adventures by picking Travel from the pause menu.

5. I've only played the Lone Ranger, but from what I've seen on Youtube, it's the better one. It unlocks better toys (tons of horses, the Crow Wings Pack, and others) and the characters are pretty cool too. It's really a matter of opinion, since Cars centers around racing and Lone Ranger is more adventurey.

Hope this helped! :)

Re: Questions About Toybox

PostPosted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 6:19 am
by IAmVianca
Thanks for the reply, silverphoenix.
This is the image:
Don't really know why it's not appearing.

The trees aren't the only things I'm having trouble placing. Sometimes it's the cliffs.