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Collectible Tracker

PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:00 pm
by jkhouw1
Collectible Tracker
Description - the Collectible Tracker is used to keep track of when collectibles are collected and can be tied to Counters and other toys when the target type of collectible is collected. Usually used with aCounter.

Collectible Type - the type of collectible the Collectible Tracker is tracking.

Reset - Resets (Make visible) all the collectibles of the target type of collectible
Remove All - This will HIDE all collectibles of the target type of collectible

Collectible Collected By (Any, Player, Team): fires an event when a collectible is collected by the assigned player or team.
Final Collectible Collected: fires an event when the last collectible of the assigned type is collected.

Place Collectible Tracker, Counter, Party Cannon and 5 Green Orbs, and Two Buttons

Collectible Tracker:Collectible Type == Green Orb

Hide all the orbs by pressing a button
Button(1):Pressed => Collectible Tracker:Remove All

Show all the orbs by pressing a button
Button(2):Pressed => Collectible Tracker:Reset

Show a count of how many orbs collected
Collectible Tracker:Collectible Collected By:Any => Counter:Increment:By one

[i] show fireworks when all 5 orbs have been collected

Collectible Tracker:Final Collectible Collected => Party Cannon:Fireworks
Counter:Target Count == 5
Counter:Target Reached ==> Party Cannon:Fireworks

Re: Collectible Tracker

PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:04 pm
by jkhouw1
Although this toy is usually used in conjunction with a counter to keep track of how many of an certain type of object is collected, it is not required. If the goal is simply to collect all the orbs, rather than having a counter with the target count set to the number of orbs, you can use the "Final Collectible Collected" instead with no counter required. It can also be used to easily reset or hide all Collectibles of a type via the Reset and Remove All inputs.

Re: Collectible Tracker

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 7:05 pm
by pjhaan

Re: Collectible Tracker

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 3:01 am
by pjhaan
Disney Infinity YouTube tutorial on the Collectible Tracker: