Music Note Creator

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Music Note Creator

Postby semerien » Fri Aug 28, 2015 4:25 pm

Music Note Creator

Description – This tool is used to play any note in the scale using 3 different types of instruments. Combining this tool with the metronome provides the ability to program entire songs into the toy box.


Play Default Note when Stepped On (Off/On) – When set to on, if this tool is stepped on it will play the default note it is set too.
Play Default Note when Stepped Off (Off/On) – When set to on, if this tool is stepped off of it will play the default note it is set too.
Default Note (C to B) – Choose any note in the musical scale
Default Octave (0-8) – Choose which octave you would like the default note to play at (0 is lowest, 8 is highest)
Instrument (Piano, Trumpet, Bassoon) – Choose what instrument you would like ALL notes from this tool to play as.
Duration (ms) (100-5000) – Choose how long ALL notes from this tool will play for.
Volume (1-10) – Choose what volume ALL notes from this tool will play at.


Any Note Played – Send an output when this tool plays any note.
Default Note Played – Send an output only when this tool plays the default note it is set too.
Note Played in Octave (1-8) – After selecting the octave, you will then select a specific note (from C-B). If this note plays at this octave, a signal will be sent out.


Play Default Note – This option will tell this tool to play the default note it is set too.
Play Note in Octave (1-8) - This option will allow you to select the Octave that you would like to play a note at. After selecting the octave you will be able to select the note (from C-B) to play. This allows you to play any note from this tool, despite what the default is set too. *Note All notes played will use the instrument, duration and volume settings from this tool.


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