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Re: What Movie did you last watch?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 8:20 pm
by Vickifraggle
Divergent. Not bad, didn't see a point in all the insane stunts. Hunger Games seems like a much stronger series. But still, I digress, it's worth checking out if you have spare time and money.

Re: What Movie did you last watch?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 10:00 pm
by shiftyraccoon
Cinderella too just. 1st time. It's not great, just a lot of talking mice

Re: What Movie did you last watch?

PostPosted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 11:19 am
by megadrive2
Last night I watched:

Film: Gravity
Year: 2013
Format: Blu-ray

Despite the hype, I really enjoyed the movie, never really been a Sandra Bullock fan but was impressed by her performance here. Although I couldn't decided how I felt about the rebirth theme, (seemed a bit too obvious). Good to see a Science Fiction film working so well with facts we know about space travel and the possible risks involved. The physics and quality of the effects were also very good.

Re: What Movie did you last watch?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 12:32 am
by Mickey&Maleficent
TRON: Legacy. It was epic!

Re: What Movie did you last watch?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 1:14 pm
by bloxxerman
Yeah me too, after picking up the new Tron discs and realising I knew nothing about Tron I decided to watch it too! It was pretty good.

The last film I saw at the cinema was The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and that was AMAZING! Don't listen to all the "OK" or "could have been better" reviews, this film is FANTASTIC!

Re: What Movie did you last watch?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 1:41 pm
by Mickey&Maleficent
That's pretty much the reason I watched it.

Re: What Movie did you last watch?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 4:29 pm
by Wreck-it-Jack
The last movie I watched was Captain America 2. I can just say it is my second favorite superhero filmfirst is TDKR. Falcon was just epic.

Re: What Movie did you last watch?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 5:51 pm
by DiamondDollJeanette
The Prince of Egypt, it's a Easter tradition.

Re: What Movie did you last watch?

PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2014 2:48 am
by Nibelilt
The Thief and The Cobbler: Workprint Edition.

I just found out about this film recently, about two weeks ago, and I've fallen in love with it. It's just so beautiful to watch, and while the characters aren't that fleshed-out in the movie, I still like them a lot. I don't know why. Maybe it's just because I get attached to things that I like easily. It's a real shame that this movie was never completed, and the story about the film never being completed is sad.
As I understand it Richard Williams spent 30 years making this film wanting it to be his masterpiece(and one of the greatest animated movies ever made), before looking for funds to complete it, then was going to complete it with Miramax who booted him off of the project and rushed out the movie when there were about 15 minutes of the film left to animate(in order to... compete with Aladdin- you've probably never heard of this film until now and that should just tell you want a grand idea it was to rush it out). Miramax's version is known as Arabian Knight/The Princess and The Cobbler, and gives a voice to Tack who is mute in the original version of the film(besides a few words), gives the Thief inner monologue, as well as featuring bland song sequences. I haven't watched that version, though, that's just what I'm getting from Nostalgia Critic's review.

In certain aspects, the Workprint edition is lacking, as I said before characters aren't that fleshed out, although they are charming, and oftentimes the film's pace is laggy. As it is, though, it's a film with some entertaining characters and the finest animation put to film. Even with computer animation, years after this film was left behind, I don't think I've seen any animation I thought was more beautiful. Perhaps it's just because the animation is all hand drawn and the work that must have been put into it stuns me, but there is truly beautiful animation in this movie. The chase scene is the most obvious- it's just unbelievable that it's hand-drawn and it's a stunning animation and great chase scene in general, and when Zigzag enters the camp of the One-Eyes you can see great detail reflected off of The Mighty One-Eye's eye, and the entire ending battle against the One-Eye war machines is just delightfully clever and has a lot of detailed animation. I really enjoy animation as a whole and because of that the movie was a joy for me to watch. Every bit of completed animation in this movie is wonderfully smooth, it's just stunning, and the movie's style is quite unique. There are still a couple of inconsistencies in the animation if you look closely but they aren't major and don't really detract from the experience a lot. I didn't notice them until re-watching the film, actually.
As for the characters- someone said the film is more fun when you imagine how the characters feel which I totally agree with(and the way the animation is, it lends itself to that well). There's not really a lot to say about them. They're pretty minimalistic and the movie's plot is simple too. If you want fleshed-out characters, watching this film won't give them to you, but if you like applying headcanons to stuff then do so for the characters in this movie and you'll probably enjoy it.

If you're interested in watching the movie, I'd say that watching the Recobbled Cut would be better than the Workprint edition, but I had to watch the Workprint because half of the Recobbled Cut videos won't work on an iPad. Sadface. :(