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Re: Who is upgrading consoles to Next Gen this Christmas?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 8:50 pm
by Nibelilt
Wow, I don't mean to be rude or anything, but I really don't get how so many people are willing to change their stance on buying consoles because a game comes out, and more importantly how many people will buy launch consoles.

Protip: never buy launch hardware unless you are okay with potentially being a beta tester, every hardware ever has and always will have some problem at launch and you're just gambling on wether or not you get that problem until a better batch of consoles is manufactured and there's not much point getting a launch console anyway since it's expensive and there aren't that many consoles which had great libraries on day one.

Buying a console for one game is always a bad idea. I understand "oh there's this game and those games will come out later", but why not wait until those games come out later too?

And before someone says this isn't a thing with the PS4: it seems to be better than some past launches which I will praise Sony for but it does have a few issues, most notably glitches with the hard drive requiring the removal of it(and I heard with some people those can come back).

Of course, ehh take it with a shaker of salt since I bought the 3DS and Wii U a launch due to being a Nintendo nut and we all know the former black screened on some people (though not me) and the latter crashed on a lot of people (me) :| I'm just saying it's something to think about. Unless you really (and I mean REALLY) want the new technology in your room or love the launch lineup, there isn't that much reason to buy day one consoles, or even buy a new console until it gets more attention, exclusives etc.

If you haven't had a launch-day console with some issue yet, consider yourself lucky.

And don't take this as PS4-bashing... I want to see that console succeed, but it's not perfect guys! The road to success is made out of failure, I'm just saying all consoles do this, and using the PS4 as an example because I've seen a lot of people hyping it to no end and not remembering that these could be problems on their console.

Re: Who is upgrading consoles to Next Gen this Christmas?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 9:47 pm
by altiareagle
Oh, sure as heck isn't perfect.
Its 'fine' for now, but I'd buy it at least 5-6 months later.

Re: Who is upgrading consoles to Next Gen this Christmas?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 10:23 pm
by AceSoloMcCloud
So you don't understand why people buy launch consoles yet you have yourself... ok.

A game can make all the difference, that is the primary purpose of owning a game console. Goldeneye shifted a few N64s I'm sure, Halo got the Xbox past the first gate (bad luck Neo Geo etc.).

I might have agreed with you about launch consoles in the past, but aside from a lack of suitable cooling and melting themselves nowadays a launch console is no worse than a later one, at any time Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo can release a patch to brick your console. Consumers have been beta testers ever since home internet speeds became bearable and as common as a TV. Not just games either, lots of consumer items that font bother with rigorous quality checking, instead that money is spend on advertising, TV, social media. Products will be manufactured and assembled where its cheaper, if its faulty, cheaper to replace with another or hope the consumer is too lazy or busy. Check your console for non-indigenous poison/venomous insects when first opening.
its the world we live in now, ain't it great? Enjoy what you can from it.

What I would say is while the life of a launch console is hard, there will never be a better model, sure a larger hard drive maybe, but they'll only bother to make a new one to be cheaper, it'll be cheaper by cutting corners somewhere, the "slim" models are getting to be a joke, not really any slimmer or smaller by any real measure.

It would take an industry bashing, a complete lack of games, rubbish performance for any hope of a price drop within a reasonable wait time and if that happened would you want it? *hears a quiet cough in the corner and a whispered "WiI U"*

There's enough for now, more games early next year when console stocks could still be low.

Finally the best reason for buying now... besides the launch deals... establishing that user base, developers and publishers will naturally want to support the console in most homes, so in a way you're voting for what format you want those games on, if the console sales aren't there its not good for the platform... we don't want them to die, or at least you don't want one of them to go.

Consumers and the media pushed for a next gen, remember when it was going to be 2015/2016? Well here you are, ready or not, don't get cold feet now.

For PS4 it will be exciting and new experience, Xbox One not so much, but as with other gens the games will decide it, and if you want games make for your future platform you have to support it, otherwise it could fail.