3.0 Toy Box Game Ideas

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3.0 Toy Box Game Ideas

Postby PS4Rocks » Sun May 24, 2015 12:58 pm

I don't know about you guys, but I have been doing a lot of Toy Box brainstorming since the announcement of 3.0. I'm creating this topic so you guys can jot down your ideas and maybe receive some feedback. Me first.

Stormtroopers Vs. Sakaarans
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The game opens up with a camera pointing at the classic Star Wars black and yellow title screen in block art, the camera slowly moving down thanks to the pathing tool. I'm not sure exactly what it will say, but the gist of it is that as the The Empire was trying to expand their reach of power they discovered the planet Sakaar. The Empire thought that because it was civilized, it would be rich in resources. However, The Empire underestimated the Sakaarans and their fierce leader, Ronan. Neither Ronan nor The Empire wanting to risk a space battle (They don't know how powerful the other's ship is), the battle is waged on foot. The war being an endless stalemate, both teams decide to send out their best men. That's where you come in. after this screen you are teleported to a platform with 3 doors. One the Sakaaran story mode,one the Empire story mode, and one the competitive Vs. Mode.

Empire Story Mode:
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After stepping through the Toy Box door, you materialize in a Star Destroyer. Here the Admiral explains the battle like this: The goal is to infiltrate the Sakaaran Palace. There you can teleport(Toy Box Door) up to the Dark Aster and defeat Ronan. You'll have two ways to enter. A quiet, strategic platforming entrance along the Sakaaran mountains, or a loud and dumb way through the front entrance. Aboard the Dark Aster you appear in the hangar. you fight your way to the bridge so you can crash down the ship. However, in the bridge, Ronan is being protected by several Large Sakaarans. After you defeat them, Ronan creates a force field around himself and the controls. You make your way to the Boiler Room where you activate the shield shutoff switch. You then return to the bridge,kick Ronan out the window, and win the game.

Sakaaran Story Mode:
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The Sakaaran Story Mode is very similar to The Empire Story Mode, with obvious changes. You start in the Dark Aster, Ronan tells you what to do, you teleport via Toy Box Door down to the Sakaaran Palace, you can enter the Imperial base in the the same two ways, and aboard the Star Destroyer you go through the same fight but with Vader.

Competitive Vs. Mode:
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The two Story Modes are co-op for obvious reasons but if you want to battle your friends you can do that too. The environment will be the same with the exception of the two bases being hollow. The object will be similar to conquest in Star Wars Battlefront using Proximity Detectors(New Toy) and Counters(Each second far away=1pt, medium distance=2pt, and way up close is 3 pt) there will also be points for defeating enemies. New soldiers will spawn every 30 seconds for both teams. It will be possible for one person to play on their own, but it is not recommended.

Now let's hear your 3.0 Toy Box Ideas! :D
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Re: 3.0 Toy Box Game Ideas

Postby Koniec12 » Tue May 26, 2015 7:02 am

I like your ideas, they look interesting. I will think of something too and post it here.
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