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Music Making Network Problem

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 9:02 pm
by purplesteve6
So I spent the better part of the afternoon making some music in the Toy Box. I had to teach myself some music theory basics. It took some time to get it down, but eventually I figured it out. I obtained some basic piano sheet music for a Disney song and got it in there. It sounds good--basic, but good.

One problem though, after I lay down about 6 music tiles in an otherwise empty toy box, the Network Stability slider skyrockets to the top and I get a warning. What exactly does this mean? Is this a Wii U issue, a Disney Infinity issue, or is it related to my personal network? I did a search and the only info I get is that this means network play will be affected. How is network play defined? Is it affected when somebody downloads my toy box, or is it strictly an issue if multiplayer is used in that particular toy box?

I wanted this song to play over the background of a small toy box, but if I can't share it, I don't want to waste my time. Thanks for any insight.

Re: Music Making Network Problem

PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 10:14 pm
by Mr. Vasuri83
The music notes take a tremendous amount of space in the toybox. We've had to learn the hard way that using as few notes as possible promote a stable level.
The network play does affect multiplayer, but it can also affect things like enemies/friends not spawning. It's not limited to the Wii U, but next Gen consoles have larger meters.

Re: Music Making Network Problem

PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 11:19 pm
by BenFleischman
It's a shame they had to implement music making in such a disconnected, overcomplicated way. To get in all the notes I just place the music scale (keyboard) template and reuse those. I'm not sure if it's on Wii U but it's a way of getting all the notes you could possibly need without taking up as much memory (I think?)

Re: Music Making Network Problem

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 1:12 am
by purplesteve6
I guess I just don't understand exactly what is affected. I play it on my machine and it plays fine. If somebody were to download the toy box would they have issues? Or are the issues only present when there are multiple people using that toy box from remote locations?

Re: Music Making Network Problem

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 1:07 pm
by Vasuri83
@purplesteve6 it is more when multiple people join. Or if you have enemies that spawn and the memory is high they may not spawn (same with friend generators) if you've already made your song I understand completely why you wouldn't want to do it again. When I made "Once Upon A Dream" it took forever and I wouldn't want to redo it. If you choose to redo it though I'll share what I've learned, as Mr. Vasuri said, use as few notes as possible. On my last song I used only 2 notes (different lengths) and 3 metronomes. The metronomes take less space so I went between the 3 to create the song. Don't worry about the amount of connections on the notes. I had over 100 connections on 1 note the last song I made.

Re: Music Making Network Problem

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 5:05 am
by purplesteve6
Yeah, mine has 18. I took it straight from beginner piano sheet music, figured out eighth notes, quarter notes, whole notes, chords, everything. I even played with the volumes. I think I might be the metronome guru, at this point. :P

I'm going to use it in a hub level that is nothing but some terrain pieces and three doors. Hopefully, it will be fine.