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Anyone Play DI's Predecessor, Toy Story 3?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:11 am
by VMKInfiniteer
Toy Story 3 was marketed, as I recall, as being more than just a video game replaying stuff from a movie (a lot of times done poorly) and its toy box was the selling point (a limited version of DI's toy box). It had a toy box feature like DI, and I feel the grow and shrink goo being connected to Toy Story in DI comes from there (in DI it's closely linked to Toy Story in Toy Story in Space playset). I remember mixing the green and pink goo together to make this like living almost cylinder of goo with parts of green and pink (I'd even use the wand to give it wings to fly around the toy box).

I remember getting the wii version right away, and finding out how limited it was (which really is foreshadowing DI even with how the wii version isn't the same as wii u, ps3, and xbox, but wii was the newest nintendo console out at the time; while newest, I'm not saying it was new). I really wanted to play the toy box, and ended up buying the ps3 version of the game as well.

I gave that game a good amount of play time, though nothing compared to my fav games (Pokemon, Digimon, Monster Rancher, Smash Bros, Sims, etc). DI has exceeded Toy Story 3. Seeing the Woody's Roundup user submitted toy box really brought back playing that silly game.

Anyway, anyone here play this predecessor to DI?

Re: Anyone Play DI's Predecessor, Toy Story 3?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 12:34 pm
by Star Dragon
Yes I've played it. I liked the Toy Box level in that game. I did regret selling it on after I had finished it. I probably wouldn't have given DI a try if I hadn't played Toy Story 3 first.

Re: Anyone Play DI's Predecessor, Toy Story 3?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:04 pm
by VMKInfiniteer
I had no clue until I saw an interview about DI and they mentioned it. And then I remembered again, vividly, when I saw someone play the user submitted toy box Woody's Roundup. That brought back the memories. And then I watched some gameplay of Toy Story 3 and WOW.

Re: Anyone Play DI's Predecessor, Toy Story 3?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:19 pm
by FelixBrownSLC
Infinity is a direct result of "Woody's Roundup". It's simply the fully realized idea of what was started in Toy Story 3.

Re: Anyone Play DI's Predecessor, Toy Story 3?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:23 pm
by Modeltrainman
Played it, still love it!

Re: Anyone Play DI's Predecessor, Toy Story 3?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 3:58 pm
by thedisneyfanatic22
I still love this game!! It is so much fun and it was one of my favorites to play in anticipation for Disney Infinity!

Re: Anyone Play DI's Predecessor, Toy Story 3?

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2014 10:40 pm
by Randall Boggs
The problem with DI is that now we probably won't get full video games for Disney movies. No Toy Story 4: The Videogame, but instead, a playset.

Re: Anyone Play DI's Predecessor, Toy Story 3?

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2014 10:53 pm
by VMKInfiniteer
That's a problem? Imo, more often than not, movie video games are just horrible and basically just for sales.

I'd prefer them incorporating the movie into DI. Though those can still miss. I just really wanted to bake my own kart in DI like in the Sugar Rush sracde game in the movie.

Re: Anyone Play DI's Predecessor, Toy Story 3?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 2:24 am
by Randall Boggs
That would've been awesome! And the way you'd play the minigames would affect your finished kart.