Top 5 disney movies

Re: Top 5 disney movies

Postby Nibelilt » Fri Feb 28, 2014 4:35 am

If we're counting Pixar movies, my list goes something like this. I don't think I can make a list with just Disney films because the only ones I would put on my list that I've seen recently enough to remember are Bolt(which I forgot about! Thank you for including that on your list 0silverphoenix!), Wreck-It Ralph and The Lion King, and while I've seen enough Disney films to make a list I can't remember them that well or only saw snippets of them.

5. Wall-E: Wall-E is a cute character, and there were so many tear-jerker moments... Ugh... I don't think I can write about this film. I'm just getting flooded in nostalgia from writing this post. I haven't seen Wall-E for years anyway so I don't remember it that well. I really need to re-watch this one, I'm sure I have a copy somewhere.

4. Bolt: This one is almost a guilty pleasure, in a way. I feel like I enjoyed this film a lot more than I should have. I mean, it just feels kind of generic- it's a pretty good film, but it's nothing spectacular or groundbreaking. However, I saw this movie around the time it came out, with my sister and my mum so it's pretty nostalgic for me. We don't watch many movies together, we never did, but we all really enjoyed this one. Probably just because Bolt is adorable, and I'm a sucker for these Disney animal movies. :P I remember I had some online friends who really enjoyed this film too. I don't think it's really great these days but I just find it fun to watch, and it does have some pretty cool and even a couple of touching moments and it makes me feel nostalgic. It's definitely not the best Disney film but I personally enjoy it a lot when I do watch it.

3. Ratatouille: This film is just beautiful to watch. I love the theme of the film. I haven't seen this one for some time so I can't remember it very well but it does stand out a lot because of the beautiful visuals and I just like the idea of the story. I also really like the character dynamic between Remy and Linguini. Plus, I'm a sucker for idealist characters and these are probably THE best idealists I've seen in a film. I remember it had a couple of moments that I didn't enjoy that much but whatever. I've only seen it a couple of times and this is a movie I've wanted to watch more, because it's just so beautiful, and it feels kind of magical. Sadly, I don't actually have a copy of the film.

2. Toy Story Trilogy: I put these three on one spot in the list, because they're inseparable to me. If I separated them, they'd all get spots on this list. :P These films just have so many nostalgic and emotional moments. I used to watch these a lot and I still rewatch them once in a while. I haven't really watched the first film for years since I don't have a copy now, so I don't think I can comment on that, but I do remember it being pretty funny and I always enjoyed seeing Sid's toys because they were just so crazy. Buzz and Woody being trapped in Sid's house is still my favourite part of the movie. I think the second film was more emotional and Jessie's montage about Emily always stood out to me. I just really enjoyed it. The third film is the best, it's really the perfect ending to such a great trilogy and although I prefer the lighter tone of the first two movies I'm still cool with it because the movie had a happy (albiet kinda sappy) ending. I think the second one is my personal favourite, though, because I'm more nostalgic for it and like I said, I prefer the more "whimsical" tone of the first two movies. The third movie is fantastic and I don't think it's a ton worse than the second, I'm not even sure which I prefer, I just think it didn't feel as magical as the first two and felt a lot more like an adventure movie. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I just prefer the whimsy of the first two. However, the third one definitely packs the biggest emotional punch.

1. Wreck-It Ralph: I don't think this comes as a surprise to anyone here. I've made it no secret that I absolutely love this film, and it's because I just find it so relatable. I think most people can relate to the characters from this film, and I love video gaming so the fact this is a movie about video games is awesome to me. I love the worlds of this movie, I love the characters in this movie, I love the dialogue in this movie... I find myself watching this movie over and over becuase it's just so good, every time I watch I like to look at all the backgrounds and see what details I can find or just look at the character expressions, and even though it's only about a year old I get a sense of nostalgia from this film... And I'm really glad I saw this movie when I did, I'd be a really different person without it, because the relatable characters and the message of the film and everything just really impacted me, a lot. When I saw this film, I was really down in the dumps, but it made me become a better person. This is, really, like the childhood film that I didn't see in my childhood.

Oh yeah, these are more based on which movies are my personal favourites. I think Toy Story 3 is objectively better than Wreck-It Ralph, but Wreck-It Ralph is my personal favourite movie of all time which is why I placed it on the list above it.

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Re: Top 5 disney movies

Postby ntnon » Sat Mar 01, 2014 5:13 pm

I wonder if these lists are skewing recent because of the age of people or because recent films stick in the mind better. Or is it that the more recent films are "better"...?
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Re: Top 5 disney movies

Postby KillingRaptor » Sat Mar 01, 2014 9:59 pm

Yeah, I did notice that recent movies pop up a lot at these lists. I'm about the only one to have a majority of older movies in my list. :lol:
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Re: Top 5 disney movies

Postby shiftyraccoon » Sat Mar 01, 2014 11:52 pm

Peter Pan
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Re: Top 5 disney movies

Postby Nibelilt » Sun Mar 02, 2014 3:23 pm

^^^ I'm going to guess because Disney "went out of style" for a while, if that makes sense. I'm not much of a moviephile so I don't know the period, but I hear there a time when 3D animated movies started getting really popular and then Disney basically fell into a slump. As kids I think we usually knew about what was most popular and when I was really young I didn't hear much about new Disney movies, which I assume is because of that "Disney slump", so I never got into Disney movies. And I think a lot of us younger users here might have had that experience. However, I don't know how many of us that posted in this thread fall under that.

When I was young I actually thought that the animated Disney movies were a lot older than they really were and Disney stopped making movies because they didn't have enough money at some point or something. I know how that sounds incredibly stupid, but we are talking about when I was a kid here. ;)

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Re: Top 5 disney movies

Postby Mew469 » Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:49 am

1. Frozen
2. Lilo and Stitch
3. Pirates of the Caribbean Series
4. Wreck-It Ralph
5. Toy Story 3

All really great movies :)
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Re: Top 5 disney movies

Postby ntnon » Thu Mar 06, 2014 8:02 pm

Certainly there are distinct periods/waves, an - perhaps more importantly - most of the key films that are older than 10-20 years are part of the "enforced scarcity" programme that sees them disappear from sale. So it is certainly possible for a casual viewer, a younger viewer or some combination of person to be ignorant of certain films... or simply have no easy means to watch them.

I remember seeing The Jungle Book, Alice and Peter Pan on TV a couple of times (say 10-15 years ago), but none of the others made it onto my radar.

I can't finalise my own list for three reasons: 1. Several are tied, 2. Some (Aladdin, Robin Hood) I haven't seen in years, and would need a reminder on, and 3. There are too many criteria for me (plot, enjoyment, technical artistry, music) to factor in.*

But, since it usually gets ignored or forgotten for not being animated (wholly). Number one is a permanent lock:


*The Lion King and Pinocchio both have better plots than many other films, but the former is a little depressing and problematic; the latter alternately terrifying and a bit dull. And while "When You Wish Upon a Star" is a critically important song, it doesn't have the resonance of many of the more modern or more 'fun' songs. Snow White and Fantasia are superb more because of their places in film history and the artistry and innovations than for their plots (slight, meandering and mostly comprised of dwarf asides vs. (deliberately) divided into short segments). And so forth...
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Re: Top 5 disney movies

Postby KillingRaptor » Thu Mar 06, 2014 10:24 pm

Mary Poppins is indeed a great movie! I love the music in this one! Dick Van Dyke also plays a great role in this one.
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Re: Top 5 disney movies

Postby Experiment 626 » Fri Mar 07, 2014 12:22 am

Fun idea/thread!! These five are my absolute favorites. Of course, it was really tough to whittle it down and not include quite a few others. Guess it's worth noting that I didn't consider Pixar films (or even The Nightmare Before Christmas) for this list. Kept it pure. ;)

05 The Lion King - Almost gave this spot to Wreck-It Ralph, but then remembered my repeat trips to the theater to see this one back in the day. Got all of my friends the soundtrack that year for Christmas.

04 Atlantis: The Lost Empire - Definitely the most underrated Disney film. Reminds me of my favorite live action adventure films from the '80s. Would love to see some stuff from this introduced into Disney Infinity.

03 Frozen - I know it's a newer release, but I'm thinking this one will stand the test of time. I felt like I was watching a classic the first time even seeing it.

02 Beauty And The Beast - This is probably technically the "best" Disney movie. Just all-around flawless. Was even the first animated film to ever be nominated for Best Picture.

01 Lilo & Stitch - Beyond being my favorite Disney movie, this is also on my all-inclusive top five movies of all-time list. Endlessly watchable and full of heart. I'm also a huge collector of anything Stitch.
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