Star Wars: The Force Awakens ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Postby GuyCC75 » Sun Dec 20, 2015 5:39 am

@Dedede_Man: I straight up want to punch Kylo Ren in the face. The figure is a good character in the game, however.

For those that have played the related playset, they flat-out avoid THAT moment, as well as the final scene from the film, which at least I thought they'd have that.

Finn and Rey were fantastic. So was Poe. I LOVED seeing all the old characters again. I thought C-3PO was fine. He was more "himself" than he was in the Prequel trilogy.

A lot of people have problems with the Prequels as is. I think many are going to like them even less after seeing what a good Star Wars can be again.
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Postby pjhaan » Sun Dec 20, 2015 5:51 am

Who thinks Kylo Ren made it off the planet? I can't see how he made it off but I doubt he is dead.

I don't think Rey and Ren are brother sister. There would have been some recognition in Han and Leia about a daughter. I don't know if she is Luke's daughter either though. Jedi aren't supposed to marry but that didn't stop Anakin.

When Moz says she recognizes eyes to Finn, was she hinting that she might know his parents? Maybe Lando?
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Postby MightyGitis » Sun Dec 20, 2015 6:23 am

It's sort of Star Wars tradition to blow stuff up and somehow certain people make it off that really shouldn't have. No way we've seen the last of Kylo Ren.
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Postby GuyCC75 » Sun Dec 20, 2015 5:46 pm

I doubt Kylo Ren died. He hasn't had his "moment" yet.

Personally, I think Ben and Rey are going to be cousins.

Anyone read that Ewan McGregor and Frank Oz came in to record new dialogue for the Force dream sequence?
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Postby pjhaan » Sun Dec 20, 2015 6:09 pm

I literally just read an article on that. They used clips of Alex Guineas from the original trilogy.

I also highly doubt Ren is dead...Poe made it out unseen.
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Postby pleakley » Sun Dec 20, 2015 9:00 pm

Ren isnt dead as snoke told Voz( i think correct if wrong) to collect kylo and meet him

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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Postby Mukluk4 » Mon Dec 21, 2015 2:36 pm

This was the Han Solo movie I always wanted as a child and Ford was definitely the Solo that I remember.

As far as all the Rey theories. Star Wars Rebel's already covered a lightsaber calling out to a force sensitive user without any relation to it's original builder/owner, so I don't take too much stock in her being any relation to any of the OT characters.

Rey also had a strong affinity to creatures, gadgets, and naturally picked up on advanced techniques (Jedi Mind Trick for starters) more so than young Anakin, that I wonder if she is truly the "chosen one" that was referenced many times before. Though Anakin did ultimately bring balance to the force by the end of Ep III (started Many Jedi v. Two Sith and ended Two Jedi v. Two Sith). But this may also be a sign of the instant gratitude times that we live in today.
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Postby Goofyboy » Mon Dec 21, 2015 3:28 pm

I've seen it twice now, and enjoyed it a lot both times. Sure, it does copy pretty much each and every plot points from the OT, but I'm pretty sure that that was required to give the Star Wars movie everyone wanted. He proved that he can do a Star Wars movie, with good acting and dialogs, with the hint of comedy that made the originals so loveable. A job well done IMHO.

But here's my little list of questions:

- How does the Starkiller works? It is a planet, fitted with a weapon. It drains the sun then shoots its energy at systems. All good and fine. They manage to charge it twice in the movie, so... 2 suns? But then what? Its a planet. Does it move to get close to another sun? If not, why was this ever built?

- Who is Snoke? He looks so old that he must be older than Palpatine and Vader. But at that time, their could only be 1 master and 1 apprentice. Did that rule really exist or it was some kind of myth to let the Jedis think they were safer? Also, I am convinced that Snoke is super small. The hologram is that huge just to make them fear him more. Assumption here, of course! :P

- Who are the Knights of Ren? Are they all Siths?

So, those are the questions that I came up with. Instead of looking at the movie like it is a copy, I tried to dig in the story a bit more the second time around and they do have so plots that will develop for sure and will most likely be 100% new to all of us.
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Postby Mukluk4 » Mon Dec 21, 2015 3:55 pm

I don't think there is any reference to a Rule of 2 in any of the now canon items. Even if it was, they never stuck to it (Palpatine, Dooku, and Ventress all existed at the same time).

I also think that these dark side users are not Sith as they do not have a "Darth" moniker. Therefore the Rule of 2 does not apply to them.
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