I've seen it twice now, and enjoyed it a lot both times. Sure, it does copy pretty much each and every plot points from the OT, but I'm pretty sure that that was required to give the Star Wars movie everyone wanted. He proved that he can do a Star Wars movie, with good acting and dialogs, with the hint of comedy that made the originals so loveable. A job well done IMHO.
But here's my little list of questions:
- How does the Starkiller works? It is a planet, fitted with a weapon. It drains the sun then shoots its energy at systems. All good and fine. They manage to charge it twice in the movie, so... 2 suns? But then what? Its a planet. Does it move to get close to another sun? If not, why was this ever built?
- Who is Snoke? He looks so old that he must be older than Palpatine and Vader. But at that time, their could only be 1 master and 1 apprentice. Did that rule really exist or it was some kind of myth to let the Jedis think they were safer? Also, I am convinced that Snoke is super small. The hologram is that huge just to make them fear him more. Assumption here, of course!
- Who are the Knights of Ren? Are they all Siths?
So, those are the questions that I came up with. Instead of looking at the movie like it is a copy, I tried to dig in the story a bit more the second time around and they do have so plots that will develop for sure and will most likely be 100% new to all of us.