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Re: STAR WARS (General)

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2015 1:34 am
by InfinityApprentice
I've seen all of the Star Wars movies, but none of the tv shows. :roll:

I don't love the prequels, but I don't dislike them either; I think they tell an integral and necessary part of the story. The original trilogy is my favorite because I don't think it was "overdone" like the prequels were. Everything from costumes to space ships to locations got fancier, more detailed, and a there was a lot of CG. I personally prefer the way the originals were made, in terms of style and the use of real sets instead of blue screen sound stages.

Another reason the original is my favorite is because they had such fun and loveable characters in Leia (my favorite), Luke, Han Solo (Han + Leia = Swoon!), Chewbecca, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi (My favorite Obi-Wan is Ewan McGregor in Epsiodes 2 and 3. Don't hate me! :cry: :) ), C-3PO, R2-D2, the Ewoks, etc.

I've never gotten into any of the tv shows because I feel like they just complicate the story line, and with no Luke, Leia, and Han, there's no me watching. :lol:

But you know what they say, "To each their own. " I don't like/dislike anyone based of what Star Wars they do/don't favor. ;) And I will be buying most, if not all, of the 3.0 Star Wars figures... :lol:

Re: STAR WARS (General)

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2015 1:38 am
by Stitch

Sweet, thanks! Will be sure to look that up.

Re: STAR WARS (General)

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2015 1:44 am
by The Scientist
I like their ten second space battles :)

Re: STAR WARS (General)

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2015 2:11 am
by Mason_Ireton
I look forward to the light saber sequences along with fully understand the homages/jokes from various shows/SpaceBalls/films

Re: Star Wars (Movie and TV Series Franchise General)

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2015 6:54 am
by KillingRaptor
I love Star Wars and especially the old movies. But that doesn't mean that I dislike the prequel trilogy, it's just that I like the original one a lot more. One of my favorite characters from the saga is a prequel character (General Grievous) so there you have that. :)
I'll start watching the Clone Wars very soon, bought the Blu-ray box which contains 5 seasons and when I'm done with the Daredevil show (only 1 episode to go) I'll start with Clone Wars. Looking forward to it because I always wanted to know how those wars play out.

Re: Star Wars (Movie and TV Series Franchise General)

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2015 1:23 pm
by Mason_Ireton
Killing Raptor I googled General Grievous and he looks interesting, can't wait to see how he enters the Star Wars franchise

My dad and I saw episode 7's trailer during Age Of Ultron , dad's like "just got blasted back to 38 years" he was surprised to see Harrison Ford and Cheweie, the lion (?) lookin alien.

Again not familiar with all characters yet but will be when I grab the Blu saga release

Re: Star Wars (Movie and TV Series Franchise General)

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2015 2:58 pm
by BandAid
I mentioned it in the other thread, but got corralled by the Sheriff (sorry Woody!), but for first viewing I would highly recommend watching 4-6 before 1-3. Odds are you already know the huge cinematic reveal that occurs in the original trilogy, but even if that's the case, it just seems wrong watching them 1-6 your first time through.

I didn't get a Force Awakens trailer when I saw Ultron! It was pretty much the worst part of my night...

Also, I'm really interested to see where Disney goes with the Star Wars spin-offs. I've heard one is titled "Rogue One," but may not based on the Rogue Squadron (which would be a travesty). And the other is going to centered around Boba Fett, which could be really cool (although I've always liked the mystery surrounding the character, but that has been whittled away with some of the things in the prequels and tv shows).

Re: Star Wars (Movie and TV Series Franchise General)

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2015 4:53 pm
by Mason_Ireton
Well I got a surprise b day present yesterday, I found my lost (got it in 2009) target gift card in the back part of my wallet, didn't know how much was on, so while celebrating Mother's Day and my b day.. Mom and I head to target to find a gift for dad and my cous's b days

I found the complete saga on Blu for $99.99, so I used the gift card and explained that I don't recall usin it but got it in 2009. Extremely lucky that the card had $50 so I just had to pay $49.99 for the rest

Re: Star Wars (Movie and TV Series Franchise General)

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2015 5:26 pm
by KillingRaptor
^ Nice one! Have a similar story with The Complete Saga on Blu-ray, only it was even more cheap for me... They forgot to charge the set... So got it for free... 8-)

Started watching The Clone Wars series a couple of days ago, so far so good!