@ElmoSTM I know there's a spoiler tab, but I'm using the Tapatalk app and it doesn't seem to have that feature. I also can't post photos or view signatures from the app either.

But it's the easiest way for me to read and participate in the forum. That why I posted SPOILER above my paragraph. Sorry if it spoiled anything for you, but it was the best I could do.

@fdanielix Ooh, what's an "eternal Force bond"? Is it something that Jedi masters and padiwans have, or is it like a special BFF thing?
I have a question about the Star Wars universe. I apologize if this is a "dumb" question, but I don't know all of the ins and outs of the story. This question contains spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen the Star Wars movies.
Q: In Episode II we were introduced to the Clone Troopers (supposedly meant for the Senate but really for use by the Dark Side, if I remember right). Then there was The Clone Wars series, which I didn't watch. In Episode III, I can't remember if the troopers were evil yet or not. In the Rebels TV show, they are now called Stormtroopers, are all on the side of the Empire, and do not seem to be clones. The same continues for Episodes IV, V, VI. My question is, at what point did they go from being called Clone Troopers to Stormtroopers (and all of those other ranks I can't remember), and in the timeline of Rebels/Episodes IV-V-VI, were they still clones, clones and volunteers, or simply volunteers?