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The mount with no name (Frozen)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 5:45 pm
by buckmana
When I saw Frozen, it is revealed that Anna has skills at horseriding and she does have a horse of her own.

Although apparently, it's not a very good horse, since when the horse in question loses the rider (Anna accidentally falls off), the horse simply returns to the castle.
Which is a common thing to do, horses were often trained to return home if they suddenly lost their rider.

However, if a horse was particularly fond of their rider, they'd do one of two of things, neither of which this horse does.
The first thing is they tend to stay near the rider, often beyond the boundaries of common sense.
The other thing is if they lose the rider, they will return home, but only to attract the attention of the nearby residents and then they will immediately return to the rider with the rescue party in tow.
It's pretty hard to corral a horse who has got this idea into their head, since they actively resist doing anything besides guiding the rescue party back to their rider.
Or alternatively, the horse will seek out the nearest group of people if it's more convenient then going all the way home.

But given that this horse is not even named and barely appears in the movie (as opposed to Sven, who has a large central role), is it likely they'll never include this animal as a featured mount?

More likely, you'd probably end up with Han's Horse instead, as he is named, although his appearance in the movie is about as central as Anna's horse or even less so.

Random thought, I wonder what happened to said horse?
Did Elsa send him home to the Seven Isles or
Spoiler: show
claim him in fealty (reimbursement for crimes against the nation or ruler) for Han's actions.

Re: The mount with no name (Frozen)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 1:52 am
by ntnon
Are you sure that 'Anna's horse' isn't Hans' anyway..?

I doubt it'll turn up often, if at all.

Re: The mount with no name (Frozen)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 8:09 am
by buckmana
Yes, I am very sure.

Han's horse is yellow and brown, Anna's horse is white.
Therefore, they are not the same horse.

Re: The mount with no name (Frozen)

PostPosted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 5:02 pm
by ntnon
Fair enough! I wasn't paying much attention to the horses...

Paying attention last time, you are quite right. I still wouldn't be surprised, though, if "Anna's horse" were not simply a generic palace horse - especially as the gates have shut so long, presumably-potentially making riding difficult.