Disney Infinity 3D short Intro Storyline Ideas Request

Disney Infinity 3D short Intro Storyline Ideas Request

Postby wubba » Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:44 am

Hey folks, I'm a 39 year old Disney Infinity fan but more on the figurine side than the actual game.. I really dig Disney's style of the caricature...

The reason for my post is that I want to eventually create a 3d animated short with my favourite characters. Mostly involving Star Wars & Marvel.. It will be quite awhile before I finish it as with full time work & family life delaying my progress but slowly but surely I will have something together. the longest part is getting the models rigged & so forth. I'm really stuck on an intro storyline that will satisfy my pidantic ways.

Fussy I am as I want to make it obviously fantasy but maybe with a tad of realism also... whether I integrate the story similar to reality, meaning the figurines come to life (Toy Story)... or I keep it in a galaxy far far away??..
Another thing is to successfully merge the Star Wars & Marvel worlds together?? for eg: A jedi cruising through space, enters wormhole, into Marvel land or visa versa!!??...

Any decent ideas would be greatly appreciated.. I'm trying to avoid the 'Cheese' factor as I want it be as cool and exciting as possible. Having said that, my first short story is an introduction to the realm of Infinity worlds so I'm aiming it to be fairly simple as I improve my skills in the 3D animation department.
I'm aiming for an ages 12+ audience.

Anyone whose ideas I use will most definitely be in the credits with glowing bright neon!!!

Hope to hear from any of you real soon!!!

Thanks in advance

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Re: Disney Infinity 3D short Intro Storyline Ideas Request

Postby DizExplorer03 » Thu Jun 23, 2016 3:05 pm

That sounds amazing! I would love to help out with your project in anyway I can. On the side, I am an artist and an animation intern. I can come up with storyboards and give you possible ideas for storylines. Feel free to message me if you would like.
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Re: Disney Infinity 3D short Intro Storyline Ideas Request

Postby BaronGrackle » Thu Jun 23, 2016 9:08 pm

Woody tries to convince them they are toys. Ralph tries to convince them they are video game characters. :P
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Re: Disney Infinity 3D short Intro Storyline Ideas Request

Postby wubba » Fri Jun 24, 2016 5:46 pm

That's a great idea BaronGrackle.. Thanks!!!
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