Top Five DreamWorks Movies? (Spoiler-free)

family friendly movies and tv that are not Disney related

Top Five DreamWorks Movies? (Spoiler-free)

Postby KyletheCartoonist » Tue Dec 24, 2013 10:40 am

What are your top DreamWorks films?
For me, I am limiting it to one per franchise, and short films don't count.

5. Over the Hedge
As a kid, I thought this film was... okay. But looking back, it was actually pretty funny. I can especially relate to Verne's wanting to pop RJ one but still trying to keep his cool, and of course him telling flat-out telling RJ "You're the devil" was hilarious. (It is a lot funnier in the movie, trust me) I would definitely watch it again. And while it was similar to Ice Age, I honestly found this one to be more enjoyable.

4. Megamind
First off, let me just say that I love me some Megamind. If this became a regular thing, than I would totally jump on board. But for now, let's focus on what we have.
Megamind seems like DreamWorks' rebuttle to The Incredibles, only if it were about Syndrome. While the idea of putting the spotlight on the villain isn't new, this film not only did it justice, but also managed to make it pretty funny. Funny to think that years later, Wreck-It Ralph borrowed a lot of the ideas used here, especially the phrase "I don't want to be the bad guy anymore" being responded to with gasping. But I'm honestly convinced it was a coincidence.

3. Kung Fu Panda 2
Like Megamind to The Incredibles, Kung Fu Panda 2 felt a lot like DreamWorks' answer to Toy Story 3. Y'know, take something kids loved, and just slam it face-first into the ground with dark themes and the central idea of "lack of use is equal to death". The idea of what the antagonist does to the protagonist is just awful, and it greatly mirrors Lotso's actions towards Woody, and since the toys have been around longer than the warriors, it was easier to feel sympathy towards them.

2. Shrek
Basically another feel-good film, this helped me through some issues that came long before the days of Wreck-It Ralph. With themes of judging one's own self-worth and prejudice based on appearance over personality, this helped me from those kids who would judge me because of... Actually, I'm not sure what their reasons were. Maybe it was because I watched Shrek to feel better about myself.

Honorable Mention: Mr. Peabody & Sherman
I'm giving this one a mention, since it looks like a movie I would want to see. And I can't officially judge it, so I figured this was my best bet. This is also the first DreamWorks film I can remember being excited for, although I think that I may have been anticipating Kung Fu Panda or Over the Hedge.
That said, it shouldn't replace Wreck-It Ralph, but who knows? The way I see it, this will be either great or an absolute train-wreck. And that is why I am giving it an honorable mention.

1. Norbit
Now, why would I choose such a mature and controversial movie as my all-time favourite DreamWorks movie?
Because it's actually pretty funny.
If you have a more... twisted sense of humor, you will enjoy Norbit. If not, than you could also enjoy the story. That is a selling point for me these days.
This is quite a varied movie; Rotten Tomatoes gave it 9%, but the iTunes reviews are officially five stars. (Or, at least at the time of writing this)
I would only recommend this if you can handle jokes about those who are overweight. If not, than if you are able to tolerate them for the sake of story, you will be fine. If you cannot do neither, than steer clear.
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Re: Top Five DreamWorks Movies? (Spoiler-free)

Postby KillingRaptor » Tue Dec 24, 2013 11:01 am

I don't think I even have 5 movies...But here goes:

1. How to Train Your Dragon
2. Puss in Boots
3. Madagascar
4. Over the Hedge

And that's about it for me.
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Re: Top Five DreamWorks Movies? (Spoiler-free)

Postby buckmana » Tue Dec 24, 2013 8:12 pm

1. Monsters Vs Aliens.
2. How To Train Your Dragon.
3. The Croods.
4. Megamind.
5. Kung Fu Panda 1-2 (if we count them as a single movie).
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