What happens when you play as Syndrome in Incredibles?

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What happens when you play as Syndrome in Incredibles?

Postby UltimateXH » Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:35 pm

What happens when you play as a villain in a playset, davy, randy, syndrome. do you get specific missions to intercept the good guy. or do bad and good fight with each other. i saw a picture in POTC with davy and jack fighting off against some of the dutchmans crew. what is in store for our villains in playsets? lets hear your thoughts, i would like to know :D
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Re: What happens when you play as Syndrome in Incredibles?

Postby toops » Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:38 pm

we know that when you play as a villain in a playset that it is still the same. so if you do the incredibles playset as syndrome it's still the same story and you fight syndrome as syndrome. would be cool though if it was different.
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