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Are the Zootopia figures currently available?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:00 am
by Tilarta
I live in Australia.

I visited my local EBGames today looking for Zootopia products for Disney Infinity.
They didn't have any on the shelves, so I tried a couple of the nearby department stores as well.
I found the Zootopia power disc pack, but that was the only item I was able to purchase.

I went back to EBGames to see if they could order the Zootopia figures for me and according to the clerk, the products I was enquiring about have never been entered on their database.
Which means they couldn't obtain them to sell to me.

According to the internet, the Zootopia figures were released with Spot.
That figure was present in the store, so I am confused as to why the others are not.

Can anyone confirm if they were able to purchase Zootopia figures and if they are currently available?

Re: Are the Zootopia figures currently available?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:14 am
by The Disney Dork
They're available, they came out earlier this month. And they didn't come out with Spot, Spot has been out since November.

Re: Are the Zootopia figures currently available?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 12:13 pm
by megadrive2
Australian figures are usually in the same packaging as Europe, over here in the UK they are packaged and listed under the alternate title Zootropolis. This could be why they were not showing up.

Re: Are the Zootopia figures currently available?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 12:42 pm
by Tilarta
I checked the outside of my power disc pack, it does indeed say Zootropolis.
Unusual, since the movie was named Zootopia here.

I assume the name of the franchise is irrevalent in this case, since the clerk pulled up the records for Disney Infinity to check the availability of figures, not a search on the movie name.
They also double checked by entering the character names Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde.

I'd say if none of those identifiers came up with a match, it's fairly conclusive that the figures aren't available to order/purchase at all.

Re: Are the Zootopia figures currently available?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 7:59 pm
by Fatal T
Have you checked Target? I live in Adelaide and the Target near my home has had Nick and Judy plus power discs since the 15th or so. Haven't seen them anywhere else though. I didn't pick them up but they are definitely there.

Re: Are the Zootopia figures currently available?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 6:24 am
by Tilarta
Thanks for the advice.

I went to the nearest Target and got my Zootopia figures.