Wreck It Ralph 2

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Re: Wreck It Ralph 2

Postby Turbo-tastic » Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:48 am

^Well apart from the fact it was a racing game; I'm almost 100% sure the reason he specifically picked Sugar Rush was because of the Random Rosters. It was less likely players would notice a new character in the game.
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Re: Wreck It Ralph 2

Postby Skellington0327 » Sat Sep 07, 2013 2:23 pm

@buckmana Director Brad Bird said he wants to do a sequel and he's got some ideas, but he's waiting until he's got a full plot that he thinks is better than the original before he makes a sequel. I agree with that, I'd rather wait 10+ years and get an amazing sequel instead of getting one now and it not be good.

Whether Turbo is in the movie or not, I just hope the villain for WiR2 is awesome. I hate when there's a sequel to a movie and the new villain sucks.
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Re: Wreck It Ralph 2

Postby infinityadvanced » Sat Sep 07, 2013 4:08 pm

I bet they will make sequel
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Re: Wreck It Ralph 2

Postby AceSoloMcCloud » Sat Sep 07, 2013 7:32 pm

Good points, but they can be argued/countered.

He only had one gauntlet left, the right one which housed the remote drone, the left had the explosive and he may have only had the one which he used earlier and may have been inert until activated, most of his stuff seemed to be prototype after all he said he kept the best stuff for himself. As for the Zero Point Energy, do we really know anything about it? Could be solar powered for all we know.

When in the movie do we see Mr Incredible take damage? After Syndrome turns it off and he lands against a rock or ground?

The "mode" he uses on Mr Incredible would be a more offensive type, nothing to say it couldn't also have a defensive mode we didn't see used.

The restraint tech in the cells, isn't zero point energy, if it is its a much simpler/earlier form requiring the restraints on their limbs, Violet wasn't able to break through when Syndrome caught them all.

Omnidroid didn't have zero point, just a regular energy beam gun, Syndrome wouldn't give the droid the kit he keeps for himself, the droid was supposed to be for shock n awe, for him to defeat and win, it wasn't to defeat the Incredibles, so not ideal to give it a powerful shield/weapon which Syndrome has told is he keeps for himself.

For the yea he struggled, but he flew up and into a hatch on a hovering plane, to simply fly away or descend slowly to the ground out of the blast radius is no harder. The blast radius was not that much, and if he had a shield too of course.

Underminer, comics usually aren't canon, so I don't bother to read them, unless they are canon. Was just commenting that being introduced to him at the end, would be nice if the next one at least started with them taking him down and throwing in jail.

Maybe I just have a soft spot for Syndrome, as my superhero life (we're it to exist) would likely be Syndrome's story or Tony Stark (except without the playboy bit).

Turbo seemed really creepy to me, even the first look at him, and King Candy I could tell was straight out of looney ville, like Depp's mad hatter, I know your not really supposed to like the villain but you should enjoy them while onscreen, sorry Turbo, just didn't watching like you, especially at the end.
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Re: Wreck It Ralph 2

Postby Turbo-tastic » Sat Sep 07, 2013 7:47 pm

^King Candy was a incredibly fun villain; all his scenes are great. But the fact he is also Turbo really adds to his character on a deeper level. I find Turbo fascinating, his backstory and personality. Also, even though his design is quite simple (after all he was originally 8-bit) I think its awesomely creepy. And just gotta love his voice.

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Re: Wreck It Ralph 2

Postby Skellington0327 » Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:13 pm

I really didn't care for King Candy, but he's actually one of my favourite villains. He's one of my faves because he fooled me. I honestly thought there was no actual villain in WiR and their issue was going to be defeating the cy-bugs. I actually felt bad for King Candy because he had to make the hard decision of keeping Vanellope from racing for her own good and the good of the game. Then this butthead goes and reveals he actually is the villain and took over vanellope's spot and made everyone forget about her.

I liked the fact the he was kinda mad like the Mad Hatter, but other than that, I didn't care for him and then he goes and fools me into believing he's a good guy and because of that, I think he's awesome.

Also his boss form is seriously just awesome.
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Re: Wreck It Ralph 2

Postby buckmana » Sun Sep 08, 2013 3:45 am

I wonder, could Turbo take on any appearance he desired?
Or is he not capable of impersonating existing characters, that he has to make a wholly new appearance?

I would have thought it would be more practical to become one of the existing Sugar Racers and get rid of the one he replaced.
But considering what happened to Vanellope, he can sever the code connection, but not fully delete them, so that would not be an option.
Also, maybe his ego motivated him to be the king instead of an average player, he's the kind of guy who won't accept being ordinary.

In contrast, when Vanellope gets her power back, she's still the same person she was, ruling the game didn't change who she is.

Sounds like we should have a seperate topic for Incredibles plot deconstruction.
I'm not going to talk about it here anymore since it's off-topic.
I'm happy to continue the conversation, but somewhere else, so send me the link if you want to take it up elsewhere.
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Re: Wreck It Ralph 2

Postby Turbo-tastic » Sun Sep 08, 2013 1:26 pm

^I think as Turbo is capable of programming in a new character model of himself, he could make it look like an existing character too. He pretty much reprogrammed all of Sugar Rush anyhow. I think the reason he decided to make a new persona for himself is that HE wanted to be the one praised as a great racer, not another character. He could no longer do this as Turbo; so instead created his own persona to become. Hence King Candy. It was stated by Disney that King Candy is Turbo's fabrication and was not a character in Sugar Rush previous to his reprogramming. And yeah... Turbo has a serious ego. lol
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Re: Wreck It Ralph 2

Postby Paradox » Fri Jul 01, 2016 1:12 am

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