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Sharing DI with a loved one

PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:01 am
I am in my early twenties and I work almost full time as well as go to school. I also am in a wonderful relationship with my girlfriend but as you can guess, my time to play games dwindles more and more as my age goes up and up. There was once a time when gaming was a huge part of my life, but alas those times can't last forever. Lately, my urge for games has been acting up and my non gamer girlfriend has actually been sitting down and playing with me on games she can somewhat take an interest in. Usually our nights consist of many racer type games (Mk or Sonic mostly) but on occasion we play some action adventure as well. This is where DI comes in, guys let me tell you I think this is the game I have been dreaming of. The gameplay is made for children to understand so I don't have to worry about complicated controls, and I can literally make a new game every single night for us to play thanks to toy box, she even wants to help build stuff! What's most exciting is this, when I first started looking into DI I was worried that I would be wasting my money on these figures that no twenty something year old really needs just to get a little more out of the game, but now I realize I can spend no more than 35$ every few weeks or month and get a WHOLE NEW adventure for us to play! I will never have to worry about the mechanics being too hard for any play set that is released and as long as she gets hooked on the first set (she will), this could actually turn out to be an inexpensive way to freshen up our game playing sessions without the game truly ever getting old. I can't even begin to explain how awesome it is that because of DI, I can finally pull someone I love into something I love. I'm wondering if any of you guys have similar stories or excitement because you too will get to share your toybox with a loved one? :D

Re: Sharing DI with a loved one

PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:34 am
by KyletheCartoonist
This is about DI itself and not the Toy Box. I hope that's okay.
I am fourteen, and am about to apply for a job. I have a stepbrother who is a MASSIVE Skylanders fanatic. When I first told him about Swap Force, I got a quick "Okay, I'm getting it when it comes out." (The kid has over $600 in his piggy bank. :shock:) When I showed him the reveal trailer for Infinity, I got a simple "Looks cool, I guess." I showed him different Playset and Toy Box videos and I still got "Looks cool, I guess." One day, I woke up sick on a day we were supposed to move, and I had to stay home. My stepbrother decided to stay home with me, aware I was going to be sleeping. After sleeping for, as he worded it, a reeeally long time, I felt better, grabbed my laptop and started looking at the Fourms while he watched Smosh on Xbox. (It was no big dealio. :D) After a while, he took a look and wondered what I was doing. I told him a bit about the Fourms, how it worked, who ran it, etc. This got him interested in what I was gonna do when I bought Infinity, so I told him I was going to use Sulley in the MU Playset when I first got the game.
"What do you do in it?" He asked.
I tried to explain, but I just confused us both. I just decided to look up the MU Playset trailer. After the video, his interest skyrocketed. "Can you get Mike so I can play with you?"
"Sure, let me pull up his trailer."
We watched it, and after we did, he responded
"I think I may use Randall instead. Can you get his trailer going?"
I did, and he chose Mike again. He then told me that all I had to do was pick up Dash alongside Mike and we could be all set. (He decided to skip out on Pirates)
He wanted to check out some Swap Force to see which was cooler to him.
At this point, we both realized Swap Force AND Infinity should both be bought. We both think we'll get some joy out of playing both games, and now nobody has to make any tough decisions.
Looks like we got the best of both worlds! (First one to make a Hannah Montana joke gets a disapproving look from me.)

Re: Sharing DI with a loved one

PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:43 am
Toybox, story mode, anything DI related is welcomed in this story section! Great story and yes, my girlfriends interest also went up after seeing some videos but she is mostly overwhelmed with how there is so much. She's a real girly girl, doesn't like many sports and really never played games until I entered the picture, the videos helped but I think I will get her to fully come around once we actually get to play together. Similarly I think your brother may just find himself swapping out disney characters more than skylanders after he gets a taste ;)

Re: Sharing DI with a loved one

PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:47 am
by KyletheCartoonist
^Oh, if only!
He has his heart set on Skylanders, and watching those Swap Force videos didn't help either.
And he's a stepbrother, by the way.

Re: Sharing DI with a loved one

PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:53 am
by Sheriff Woody
my wife shows no interest in gaming. but thinking about it, in theory as we have 2 ps3's in our house i could try and get my wife involved in a 4 player online game with me and our 2 sons. hmmm

Re: Sharing DI with a loved one

PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:55 am
by KyletheCartoonist
^Sounds like a great idea, only you would have to buy Infinity twice and that would give you two Mr. Incredibles, two Sulleys, and two Jack Sparrows.

Re: Sharing DI with a loved one

PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:56 am
by Fix-It Felix
^ The more the merrier! ;)

Re: Sharing DI with a loved one

PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:59 am
by KyletheCartoonist
I guess we have to see if the Sheriff's wallet feels that way! :lol:

Re: Sharing DI with a loved one

PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 8:02 am
by Sheriff Woody
it probably will be no surprise, but i do already have 2 ps3 copies on order :lol:

... and rapidly back on topic we go