Jar Jar Binks figure?

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Re: Jar Jar Binks figure?

Postby nathanbanks » Sun Oct 04, 2015 9:29 pm

@ Skellington0327 - I can see your points regarding Jar Jar, and I really don't want to turn this into a Jar Jar debate, but I do think that saying there's other ways to bring a character in for kids without being annoying is only from a certain point of view. I mean, the thing is with the likes of Jar Jar, he's a character in the Star Wars universe whether people want to admit it or not and he does have annoying tendancies, but in the long run, characters like that don't really put me off movies at all. I found him funnier when I was a kid, but it wasn't his ridiculous ways that made me dare I say, like the character, it was just because even though he was an idiot, his intentions were good because he was like a fish out of water in the situation he landed himself in and regardless of how ridiculous some of his scenes were, the overall plot of Phantom Menace was actually pretty good for starting up the entire Star Wars universe in my opinion. It's over dramatic for people to say that one character destroys a movie for them because there's loads of movies which has annoying characters in. George Lucas invented all these characters and I for one personally enjoy every aspect of Star Wars, not just a narrowminded vision of 'oh I like this and this but not that'. Or 'I'll buy this, but if he's made I won't buy him', I think it's a bit ridiculous really. What's presented came from someone's imagination and no one has the right to say whether what he did with characters and so on was wrong or not. I'm not saying anyone is narrowminded though, everyone is entitled to their opinion of course :)

Back on topic! I don't think Jar Jar would get a character. There's too much animosity towards him :)
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Re: Jar Jar Binks figure?

Postby Skellington0327 » Mon Oct 05, 2015 4:47 am

@nathanbanks just because I don't like Jar Jar doesn't mean I have a narrowminded view of Star Wars. I love Star Wars and enjoy all the aspects of it, but I don't like Jar Jar (one character in a large universe) and that's okay, doesn't mean I've got some weird view of Star Wars. Jar Jar doesn't ruin my enjoyment of Star Wars as a whole, I don't even think about him unless he's brought up. I don't think Phantom Menace is a bad movie, but Jar Jar is in it a lot and every time he's on screen it's just a bunch of his nonsense and I personally don't enjoy that so I don't watch the movie. I don't see how it's ridiculous to say I won't buy a Jar Jar figure, I don't like him so I'm not going to buy him. Because I'm a Star Wars fan I have to buy every bit of merchandise made? There's tons of people not buying certain figures because they don't care for them and no one is telling them that it's ridiculous that they won't buy every figure made. I'm not a completist for Disney Infinity so I'm not going to buy every figure just because they were made, I only buy the ones I want. Just because Jar Jar came from George Lucas' mind doesn't mean I can't say "man he is so annoying and I wish he weren't". We are allowed to be critical of the media we consume, doesn't mean we dont still enjoy it.
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Re: Jar Jar Binks figure?

Postby nathanbanks » Mon Oct 05, 2015 9:23 pm

@Skellington0327 I wasn't aiming everything I said at you, I was referring to to most Star Wars fans in general that have this overbearing hatred for Jar Jar. I get what you're saying and I don't buy certain characters in Disney Infinity when I'm not really fond of the films etc, but I think if someone loves Star Wars so much but doesn't buy a character for the game it's slightly petty. It's like Boba Fett, I think he's overrated personally and I really don't get why he's so popular, or why he's even had a figure made. However, he's part of Star Wars and because I love it, I decided to get the pack with him in.

But don't take that a personal attack at you, I do get what you're saying, just that I don't really get how people pick and choose characters they like and hate from a franchise they love that's all :)
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Re: Jar Jar Binks figure?

Postby InfinityApprentice » Wed Oct 07, 2015 2:08 am

What's great about Infinity is that character selection is a very personal choice. No one has to have the same experience as anyone else. We all get to make individualized choices. I don't like Greivous, but others do and would have a great time playing with him. Vice versa for Jar Jar Binks; I think he'd be a lot of fun, but you don't have to buy him. :)

Unless Greivous and Jar Jar come in. 2-pack. Then we'll have a problem...

Just kidding! We'll split the price and each take a figure. :D
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