Light FX figures

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Re: Light FX figures

Postby gel » Sat Jan 09, 2016 9:45 pm

@BionicKoalaBoy While ideally, they could have released the Light FX figures along with the launch, they couldn't.

You talk about it like you know, but what you said is incorrect. They actually did want to release the figures with the launch, but had technical issues figuring out how to get the figures to light up nice and bright (the base doesn't actually output that much power). Of course, the tech has been around forever, but the challenge wasn't inventing technology, it was in getting the existing lowish output base to light up a bright lightsaber adequately. In that regard, they thought of the Light FX idea too late to give themselves time to figure out the hurdles and get the products into the launch.

Now, they face a similar challenge, as they have been asked about other figures (e.g. Ahsoka, Darth Maul). They said they are seeing if it's possible to squeeze out enough power into the double light sabers. It may never happen, with the power the base outputs now. Maybe a future base, but they have no plans to release a new base with different power. As a marketing plan, this doesn't seem to make sense. Purposely further holding off Ahsoka and Maul for much later seems like a bad decision, since the play sets have been around since launch too.

I think you've misinterpreted this as "manipulative marketing," when it really was a case of them having to work past some hurdles.

Alternatively, I've been so manipulated that I believe most of what John V. says, even though I do work in the industry and have spouted marketing myself. :P
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Re: Light FX figures

Postby AJNinPTC » Sun Jan 10, 2016 12:19 am

I have noticed that once I activate the base (by starting the game), it remains active as long as the xbox stays on. Has anyone else noticed this? Has anybody determined what the USB signal is that activates (and powers) the base?

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Re: Light FX figures

Postby BionicKoalaBoy » Sun Jan 10, 2016 5:30 pm


Maybe you're right. Maybe i'm just old and cynical, I lost my rose tinted spectacles a long time ago- but a multi-billion dollar company with 'Industrial light and magic' under it's belt would be able to figure the light FX out - You're talking about a capacitor, wire and an LED. I have read about the 'testing and safety issues' which allegedly held things up, but here in England at least you were talking about weeks between the release of the figures ( October to Dec ). This guy created one alone in his garage

If you take into account people replacing their non-FX with FX, that's 6 ( currently ) extra figures to buy, which is an additional =£80 or $116 new at retail for figures that are the same sculpt as the ones you already own. And this number could increase.

They could have held back on the FX figures, but of course not, it was the run up to the movie and Christmas holiday. Also the figure here in the UK came out the same day as the movie, That's marketing strategy surely? Sadly any parents who were on-the-ball with their Christmas shopping would have already bought the standard figures weeks before.

It's a cheeky strategy that software companies like Microsoft have used for years. ie releasing a non-optimised product before later trying to sell you the 'update'. Also one of the major factors behind INIFINTY is the drive behind wanting to collect-em-all. The Crystal figures and now this, is just a bit cheeky, and an annoyance if you're on a budget particularly.
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Re: Light FX figures

Postby ImGonnaWreckIt » Sun Jan 10, 2016 6:53 pm

While I understand you're frustrated @BionicKoalaBoy. Collectors, like myself, have asked for variants and special figures. Some people have asked for more power disc costumes. You don't have to purchase the FX figures or the Crystal figures if you don't want to. The crystal figures had advantages in game and looked different. The FX figures are different on the portal and add a light saber to the galactic hall of heros. It's a matter of choice.

It's the reason I bought the D23 2013 Sorcerer Mickey and the D23 Mickey Power Disc. That was just my choice to spend that extra money on all of it. Cause as a collector I want all of it.
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Re: Light FX figures

Postby BionicKoalaBoy » Sun Jan 10, 2016 7:13 pm

@ ImGonnaWreckIt

I too am collecting, and the fact is I want the FX, that's the point. And I do have a couple of crystals. I love INFINITY. It's the doubling-up is the problem. I love the costume discs by the way and have been modding, I'm making a 'cursed' Jack Sparrow as we speak. My point in a nutshell is that the FX figures are the superior version, and it was not necessary to have 2 versions when we only purchased the Non FX only weeks earlier. I chose to purchase second-hand duplicates to mod, but they will look very different to the originals. When the FX and non FX figures are next to each other on display they appear identical ( apart from the thicker base of course ).
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Re: Light FX figures

Postby Elmo STM » Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:29 pm

@bionickoalaboy I agree about the double dipping but only with anakin and Luke as we knew before release what characters would be light fx so I didn't buy the others. Sucks that £85 is the cheapest to collect all 6 but that's the price we pay to collect.

Like you said anyone could make the light up ones like the Ashoka etc with the right skill but even though Disney as a whole is a huge company Disney interative doesn't have an unlimited budget, plus they need to meet all the correct standards of safety in all the counties they sell in.

Now to wait to see if Kylo is coming lol
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Re: Light FX figures

Postby BionicKoalaBoy » Mon Jan 11, 2016 10:59 am

@Elmo STM

It'll happen - Which is a good thing. But that's why i'll wait cheers...
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Re: Light FX figures

Postby Davidoffski1982 » Mon Jan 11, 2016 11:29 am

So i know why there is currently no light FX figure for Maul & Ashoka but what about Ezra? Any info on that one? Cheers

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Re: Light FX figures

Postby Calysto » Mon Jan 11, 2016 1:01 pm

Kylo Ren's base is unusually high comparatively wit other figures. That was always something that caught my attention and made me thing that they are going to do a Light FX figure for him. I bet that could even not use the black base piece they introduced with the other figures.
That's why I'm waiting to buy it. If they do launch the figure and it doesn't have the black piece I'll buy it.
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