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Re: Disney Infinity 3.0 Marvel Battlegrounds Play Set

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 11:21 pm
by nathanbanks
Can anyone provide me with some info about this playset?

Thing is, I'm not a fan of Marvel stuff in the slightest and it's always something I've avoided when it comes to Disney Infinity. However, I am a HUGE fan of the Captain America movies and I also really love battling games. I've never been tempting my any of the marvel content before, even the original Captain America figure, but this one really screams at me and I thought with people saying you have to enjoy fighting games to like this playset, it would be right up my street. So can anyone give me a run down of what I can expect if I bought it? :)

Re: Disney Infinity 3.0 Marvel Battlegrounds Play Set

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 2:33 am
by Sheriff Woody


Re: Disney Infinity 3.0 Marvel Battlegrounds Play Set

PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 11:55 pm
by nathanbanks
Thanks ^^

Can I ask some more advice guys? I've just binge-watched all of the Marvel movies and I'm taking back everything I ever said! The Avengers is nothing short of amazing; I've seen all of them now from Iron Man to Ant-Man.

Now I'm 100% on board for this playset, I intend on picking it up when I get paid; however I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice regarding the 2.0 items. I know this probably isn't the threat, but it's Marvel related so I'll create a discussion anyway.

Is the Avengers playset from 2.0 worth getting? How does it shape up as an Avengers game? I've played a demo for Lego Avengers and that's pretty awesome, but in people's opinion which game is better? The 2.0 playset & the content with DI overall, or the lego game?
Also What are the characters like in action? I dislike the 2.0 Captain America because he just looks...nothing like the movie version, so the 3.0 figure is a warm welcome for me (it sucks playsets aren't forward compatible), but is he worth getting too (the 2.0 version too)? :)

Re: Disney Infinity 3.0 Marvel Battlegrounds Play Set

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 12:48 am
by Elmo STM
The 2.0 play sets imo were good but not great, if you get them cheap enough then grab them but best way to judge is to watch a play through on YouTube and see what you think

Re: Disney Infinity 3.0 Marvel Battlegrounds Play Set

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 9:18 pm
by nathanbanks
I've seen a couple and I think there was a bit of wasted potential with some of the content! Like the enemies and so on, but it's hard to judge the game itself :|

Re: Disney Infinity 3.0 Marvel Battlegrounds Play Set

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 9:38 pm
by Vidia
I enjoyed the 2.0 playsets until I hit the repeated "defend X thing for Y minutes" missions. Then they became terrible.

Re: Disney Infinity 3.0 Marvel Battlegrounds Play Set

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 7:11 pm
by Mukluk4
2.0 playsets are wibble compared to 1.0 and 3.0. They would probably stand better if that didn't have to compare to those. If you are getting Battlegrounds, then I would get all of the 2.0 Marvel characters, it's worth it.