Disney Infinity 2.0 The Avengers Play Set Challenges Gold Medal Runs
Hulk Smash!
challenge description: As Hulk, destroy objects in the city for points. Hulk challenge.
to unlock: Unlocked from beginning.
Fight or Flight
challenge description: As Iron Man, defeat enemies to earn points. Iron Man challenge.
to unlock: Unlocked from beginning.
Vs. Mode: Docks
challenge description: Player vs. player combat on the docks. Two-player challenge.
to unlock: Complete mission "Chill Out."
Vs. Mode: Park
challenge description: Player vs. player combat in the park. Two-player challenge.
to unlock: Complete mission "A Chilling Conclusion."
Vs. Mode: Avengers Tower
challenge description: Player vs. player combat up on top of Avengers Tower. Two-player challenge.
to unlock: Unlocked from the beginning.
A Shot at Glory
challenge description: Earn points by breaking targets.
to unlock: Unlocked from the beginning.
Quick Pace Race
challenge description: Race the motorcycle to the finish line. Pass through all the gates in order.
to unlock: Complete mission "Sheer Wheel Power."
Route to Victory
challenge description: Complete a race on the motorcycle by passing through each of the gates.
to unlock: Earn bronze on "Quick Pace Race" challenge.
Tread Dead
challenge description: Defeat enemies while riding the snowmobile to earn points.
to unlock: Earn bronze on "Route to Victory" challenge.
High Flier
challenge description: Fly to the finish line as fast as you can. Pass through all the gates in order. Flight challenge.
to unlock: Complete mission "Street Sweeper."
Skyward Score
challenge description: Fly through the rings to earn points. Flight challenge.
to unlock: Earn bronze on "High Flier" challenge.
Flight Targets
challenge description: Fly through the rings to earn points. Flight challenge.
to unlock: Earn bronze on "Skyward Score" challenge.
Super Jump Race
challenge description: Compete in a race using the Super Jump to complete the event with the best time. Super Jump challenge.
to unlock: Complete mission "Snow End in Sight."
Splash Landing
challenge description: Collect points using the Super Jump. Super Jump challenge.
to unlock: Earn bronze on "Super Jump Race" challenge.
Thrills and Chills
challenge description: Earn a high score doing stunts on the snowmobile.
to unlock: Located in the Wharf's Ice Stunt Park. Complete mission "Sif's Ship-Shape."
So Much Ice, So Little Time
challenge description: Complete a race using the snowmobile before time runs out.
to unlock: Located in the Wharf's Ice Stunt Park. Earn bronze on "Thrills and Chills" challenge.
special thanks to forum member BadRalphGood for his help in completing these videos