Disney Infinity 2.0 Spider-Man Play Set Challenges Gold Medal Runs
City Web Race
challenge description: Web swing to the finish line as quickly as possible! Pass through all the gates in order.
to unlock: Unlocked from beginning.
Ring the City
challenge description: Earn points by swinging through the rings.
to unlock: Earn bronze on "City Web Race" challenge.
Race Gate Challenge
challenge description: Web swing to the finish line as quickly as possible! Pass through all the gates in order.
to unlock: Earn bronze on "Ring the City" challenge.
Rooftop Rings
challenge description: Earn points by swinging through the rings.
to unlock: Earn bronze on “Race Gate Challenge” challenge.
Bridge Rings
challenge description: Earn points by swinging through the rings.
to unlock: Earn bronze on "Rooftop Rings" challenge.
Right on Target
challenge description: Earn points by breaking targets. Utilize your character's special moves!
to unlock: Unlocked from beginning.
Crawl and Collect
challenge description: Jump onto the wall and collect Orbs for points.
to unlock: Complete "Interrupted Upload" mission.
Combo Crawl
challenge description: Jump onto the wall and collect Orbs for points.
to unlock: Earn bronze in "Crawl and Collect" challenge.
Wallopin' Wall Crawlers
challenge description: Prepare for the onslaught! Collect Orbs and avoid attacks!
to unlock: Earn bronze in "Combo Crawl" challenge.
Hover Car Race
challenge description: It's a race against time in the S.H.I.E.L.D. Hover Car.
to unlock: Complete "Unfriendly Neighborhood" mission.
Ring Run
challenge description: Collect Orbs and pass through rings in the S.H.I.E.L.D. Hover Car.
to unlock: Earn bronze on "Hover Car Race" challenge.
Sonic Weaponry
challenge description: Earn points by destroying Symbiotes with the sonic weapon.
to unlock: Complete "Sweet and Sewer" mission.
Nova Saves the Day
challenge description: Save the citizens as quickly as possible! Deliver them to the safe zone near the vehicles.
to unlock: Earn bronze in "Sonic Weaponry" challenge.
Vs. Mode: Statue of Liberty
challenge description: Player vs. player combat on Liberty Island.
to unlock: Unlocked from beginning.
Vs. Mode: Waterfront
challenge description: Player vs. player combat on the waterfront.
to unlock: Complete "Agents of GOBLIN" mission.
Rat Trap
challenge description: Complete the challenge before time runs out.
to unlock: Complete "The Sound of Safety" mission.
Furious Frenzy
challenge description: Complete the challenge before time runs out.
to unlock: Complete "Escapee Escort" mission.
special thanks to forum member BadRalphGood for his help in completing these videos