Wreck It Ralph 2

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Re: Wreck It Ralph 2

Postby Omnidroid 535 » Fri Sep 06, 2013 5:17 am

Doesn't the King Candy code still exist somewhere though? Maybe his King Candy persona will respawn.

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Re: Wreck It Ralph 2

Postby AceSoloMcCloud » Fri Sep 06, 2013 8:22 am

King Candy was the code Turbo made up, he's not on the arcade game.

Console gaming... bit difficult since those are usually turned off when not in use.

As for Syndrome.... we didn't see him actually sucked in (being a kids Disney movie you wouldn't really), given all his tech he wouldn't have a cape release and zero point energy to make a force field like Violet's and fly away after the explosion engulfing the Incredibles?
May not be a cape would clog up the engine, but if it had attachments to his suit that jammed it, could.
To be quite frank.... him trapped in the engine would not make it explode, so we've either entered Hollywood world here, or he blew it up on purpose after releasing the cape to land on the Incredibles to allow him to escape. Even the movie makers realise this and when Edna is telling Mr Incredible no capes, she tells him of a female super who got sucked into a commercial plane's engine, no explosion there was there?
Error in continuity/"Hollywood physics", or a clue?

I don't think Syndrome is gone, DI sets it as The Incredibles restarting the Supers, I just think they're waiting for the movie sequel to explain it, or maybe a comic or Internet trailer/video.
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Re: Wreck It Ralph 2

Postby Turbo-tastic » Fri Sep 06, 2013 11:55 am

@buckmana: He had time to regenerate before the game was reset. Again I am just speculating... its fun. :D And I have thought about the Cy-Bug code before... but I have not found anywhere official that it would truly become foreign. I mean if he was an all powerful virus, surely he could of inserted his code back into the game? And Cy-Bug's aren't stupid! They just non-sentient, and go along with their programming like instinct. Hehe.

I so want the Turbo Twins in the next movie, I don't care why, just make it happen! ANYTHING related to TurboTime... I'd love to see that game in CG. (Probably why I'm trying to make it in Infinity?). But I think they would of had time to escape... I don't think the flashback was 100% accurate... RoadBlasters started glitching... there would of been some time before Litwak or somebody at the arcade noticed Turbo was missing from TurboTime... hence giving them some time to get out. Its not like they would of stayed there when they knew their game was going to be pulled (doesn't it take a while for Litwak to get the guy in to take the machines away?) And yeah... I think Turbo must of been sneaking around for years, avoiding the Surge Protector, and leaning code. The reason why he chose Sugar Rush was because of the Random Rosters; it make it easy to get rid of one character and introduce a new one to the line-up.

And actually I've thought about the prospect there would of been a number of TurboTime arcade consoles around the world, so there would be a lot of Turbo's (same goes for Fix-it Felix etc.). But not all of them would be psychotically jealous... right?

@AceSoloMcCloud: The code he inserted into the game... but on your other subject... the whole speculation on how Syndrome could of survived is exactly like me speculating on how Turbo could of survived! The main thing is... Syndrome, a villain... supposedly dead, is in the playset.... that means... Turbo/King Candy... a villain that is supposedly dead could be in a WiR set.
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Re: Wreck It Ralph 2

Postby buckmana » Fri Sep 06, 2013 2:27 pm

Disney Infinity is not canon, so I wouldn't try to insert logic there.

At the time of Turbo's death, his mind was being overwhelmed by the Cy-Bug code, he had no chance to regenerate before he ended up being disintegrated.
Also, it appears to reinsert the code, he actually physically has to be in the code engine (it's in the castle basement) and Diet Cola mountain is very far from that place.

And no, it's not official, but considering the only place the Cy-Bug code naturally exists is in Hero's Duty, to every other game, it's foreign code.

According to the movie, there was very little warning before TurboTime and RoadBlasters shut down.
As soon as he saw the games glitching, Litwak pulled both plugs out immediately.
He didn't wait for the repairman to show up.
So, it's unlikely the TurboTwins had time to get out.

But I wonder, could they find a new home in Sugar Rush if they had survived?
Granted, they wouldn't be native code, but under normal circumstances, I don't think there is actually a way to die in Sugar Rush.
It appears when the racer car is destroyed, the racer inside it is perfectly fine, their car is just damaged.

And I'm also having a mental image of the TurboTwins jumping on Turbo and beating the stuffing out of him! :lol:

As for Syndrome's death, I assume his zero point gauntlets caused the explosion.
I mean, they'd have to have a fairly impressive power unit and when the gauntlets were damaged by the fan blades, kaboom!
Also, one of Syndrome's rocket boots had been ripped apart by Jack, so flying was out of the question, as Syndrome needed both boots to fly at speed.
And no, Syndrome didn't have forceshield technology, so that's also not possible.
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Re: Wreck It Ralph 2

Postby Turbo-tastic » Fri Sep 06, 2013 2:38 pm

^I wasn't trying to canon it with Infinity. lol

Well to be honest, no one really knows how the Cy-bug code works in a canon sense. But if his King Candy code was merged with it, surely some remnants of his code would still be in Sugar Rush?

I still say there would of been time for the Turbo Twins to escape... who knows, maybe they wondered where the heck Turbo was going when he left the game and followed? Thus being in Game Central when the games were pulled. Yay, speculation! And a new home in Sugar Rush? Hmmm... its possible. But they wouldn't be able to hack their code to create a persona for the game, only Turbo could do that.

And about your mental image... poor Turbo! lol! Okay yessss... he got their game pulled... they'd be either pretty angry or pretty sad... or maybe both.
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Re: Wreck It Ralph 2

Postby Omnidroid 535 » Fri Sep 06, 2013 5:49 pm

That's a good explanation of why the plane exploded. Great thinking there.

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Wreck It Ralph 2

Postby AceSoloMcCloud » Sat Sep 07, 2013 1:32 am

Gauntlet, he lost the other one thanks to the Omnidroid shooting it off his arm.

I doubt Syndrome would have anything that explosive around his wrist, I expect the engine would have dealt with it as easily as it would Syndrome.

He managed to fly up to the plane with only one rocket boot, he could with just one to move away/down from it.

We don't know the full extend of his zero point energy and it uses, since it can paralyse living matter in an energy barrier that's not far off a protective shield is it?

DI may or may not be Canon, but it is set after the movies and continues the story.

Personally I feel there's more chance of an Incredibles 2 with Syndrome than WIR2 with Turbo, the Turbo we saw pretty much had it, but being a tricky fellow, he might have done something else, I mean otherwise he's the only Virus to have not spread to one other system, heh, pretty poor excuse for a virus.
Like most, we want to find out what happened with the underminer, so hope he's in any sequel of TI.
Both are my favourite Disney CGI films, so probably be happy to see any continuation.
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Re: Wreck It Ralph 2

Postby Turbo-tastic » Sat Sep 07, 2013 1:42 am

^Oy, watch it! He didn't even get a chance because of Ralph! lol

And WiR is not Pixar.
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Re: Wreck It Ralph 2

Postby buckmana » Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:32 am

Maybe the other games weren't as easy targets to infilitrate as Sugar Rush.
Or it could be Turbo was only interested in racing games.

Basically, he'd have to manually reprogram to code for each game to take over all of them.
And keep in mind there is only one Turbo, he can't be in every game at once.

And yes, the laws of high energy physics would be that whatever energy generation device was powering his gauntlet would have quite a significant charge.
Even more so, considering that zero point energy requires the highest level of energy generation there is.
And another point to consider, Syndrome actually has a minibomb in his gauntlet!
We see him use it to try to kill Mr Incredible and the explosion is fairly large for such a small device.
So, obviously, he's not really bothered by having explosive devices on his arm.

And the zero point field is not a barrier, it's just an immobilization field.
In the movie, we see Mr Incredible take damage through the field, if it was truly a shield, he wouldn't be harmed by Syndrome slamming him against things.
Another point, we see that Violet's shield cuts through the zero point beams restraining her, so that's more evidence it's not a shield at all, otherwise she wouldn't be able to do that.

Also, consider that the final Omnidroid uses a zero point energy gun, but has no shield whatsoever.
If Syndrome had really created a zero point energy shield, he'd have installed it on the Omnidroid as added protection.

Regarding the jetboot, Syndrome struggles to stay flying using just one, so one alone isn't enough to get very far.
And it definitely wouldn't clear the blast radius in time.

As for the Underminer, it depends on whether or not the comics are considered canon.
That's a grey area, since Mesmerella (a villian from the Incredibles comic) has been canonized a little (she appeared in a disney parade float), but nothing else has.
Underminer in the comic
The last thing we see of the Underminer is Xerek aiming a gun at his head and then we see the gun fire, but not if Xerek actually shot the Underminer.

I guess that's all we're going to get really, since if Incredibles was getting a sequel, they'd have had one by now.
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