Evilos, Disney Infinity custom artist

Disney Infinity Fans exclusive interviews

Evilos, Disney Infinity custom artist

Postby Sheriff Woody » Sun Jul 13, 2014 4:36 pm

it is my pleasure to confirm that DisneyInfityFans.com has exclusively partnered with custom artist Evilos. moving forward we will work closely together to create a range of Disney Infinity customs that will be available exclusively to registered members of DisneyInfityFans.com

On behalf of all of the interested Disney Infinity Fans we asked Evilos some questions.


What is your real name and where do you live?
Christopher Avalos, born and raised in Burbank California.

What is the origin story of your Evilos username?
It's a play on my last name Avalos, Evil + Avalos because I do many dark creatures. Also Evilos backwards is SO LIVE which is a positive message hidden between the line.

What was the first item you customized and how?
The first item I can remember customizing, I was four years old (1984). I built a Corba Check Point out of balsa-wood for my GI Joes. I don't know why this memory I can remember for being so young, but it has stuck with me all these years

What was the first Disney item you customized and how?
The first Disney item I customized was in 2007 I created "Ezra" the Disneyland Haunted Mansion character out of a Blank Munny vinyl figure. I still have this figure ironically because seriously any other piece of art ive made, someone has wanted. The most ironic part is ive sold it a couple of times and for some reason or another the buyer couldn't complete payment or something. Kinda funny, so its meant to stay with me as a reminder of how much ive grown as an artist because that figure is so poorly done when I compare it to stuff I've done today.


How do you decide how you will customize the item? Is a lot of trial and error involved?
When I see an item or have an idea for a custom three questions go through my mind. Can I do it? Should I do it? Do I want to do it? If any one or more of those answers is a yes then I go for it. Trial and Error is a funny thing, as you do art or anything for long enough you learn how not to lower the percentage of mistakes. But most of the time failure can be a blessing in disguise, for not only do you gain knowledge you gain wisdom. Wisdom is something you can only learn from failure. So how I see it, wisdom is knowledge's big brother. A person who wants to get into customs must embrace failure because its going to happen, no one is immune to it and it necessary for any kind of growth.

What drives you to make custom items?
The things that drive me are numerous, the passion to create gets more intense as the years go by I've learned. I can't explain it,its something embedded into my DNA some how. The positive reactions by friends or collectors to my work also gets me pumped up to make stuff. Lastly other amazing artists ive met over the years have really inspired me to become better at my craft.

If you had to pick one, what item of yours is your favorite and why?
As far as Disney Infinity customs, I think my favorite would be the Dark Randy that I've created. They almost feel alive and look factory made with all the shading and detail that goes into each one ive created. All the other custom DI figures I create come in a close second for sure.


How long do your customs take to make?
Minutes to hours. It all depends on many factors, on a per figure basis.

What is your hottest seller for Disney Infinity customs?
I would say any of the "Crystal Figure" repaints, many collectors not to mention people from Disney have purchased those. They look amazing in the sun as the light shines through them, you cannot capture that magic in a photograph. You have to see one in person to know what I'm talking about.


What is your favorite Disney Infinity character and play set?
My favorite Character is The Lone Ranger and his play set. I mean, who doesn't like being the hero and using a virtual pistol? I'm a sucker for cowboy stuff also, I'm a huge western movie fan. Win/Win.

Which Disney Infinity character would you like Disney Infinity to release?
Boba Fett, or anything Star Wars. I'm sure Star Wars play sets are already in development.

What new Disney Infinity customs do you have planned for release in the future?
I have a few concepts I've been asked to do like Blue Suit Mr.Incredible for instance. Also a few more crystal figures in the works, but those will be a surprise.

What kind of paints do you use for you customs?
I use everything. Acrylic, Enamel, Spray Paint, Solvent based stuff like Monster Kolor for my airbrush. As you do customs over the years you will figure out the right type of paint to use for the job you are attempting to create.

Do you have any recommendations for touch up paint on characters?
Acrylics work best for touch ups on PVC. You will have less of a chance of the paint becoming tacky like if you used Enamel based paint. There is a whole science behind all that but as a safe rule you want to use water based paints mostly for painting Disney Infinity characters.

How long does masking take before spraying the figures?
Masking takes more time than I think anyone realizes. For example when masking McQueen. It can take 45 minutes to an hour of work just to mask the figure. There is a lot of planning and cutting with a razor to get those perfect lines.


Do you use clear coat for protection when figures are finished?
Yes, all figures are clear coated using a variety of brands and types to achieve the look I'm aiming for.

What are some rough ideas you have had since the Marvel figures were announced?
I have a few, but learned over the years to keep some ideas or potential concepts in my head till I actually make them. Surprises are better anyways!

Any tips for anyone that wants to get into making custom items?
First and most important, get into customs because you have a passion for creating something not because you want to make a quick buck. I've seen a lot of that over the years and I just ruins online friendships and your drive quickly. Also if you get into customs for the wrong reasons, doing customs will feel more like a job and who wants that? If you do something you love you will never work a day in your life they say. Do research, read, watch videos on how to do something and then go and fail at it, lol. Like I said before failure is the best thing that can happen to you, get your feet wet, ask respectful questions if you get into a bind.

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Re: Evilos, Disney Infinity custom artist

Postby Elmo STM » Sun Jul 13, 2014 5:04 pm

Awesome interview. I'd love to see a video of him working on a figure to help people who want to start. I'd love to start for myself as love custom things no one else has :) the crystals look awesome and from the pics I've seen on this site my favorite custom is that dark randy as well. Very well detailed. I've a custom bronze jack and can confirm pictures didn't do it justice
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Re: Evilos, Disney Infinity custom artist

Postby bwattsup » Sun Jul 13, 2014 5:42 pm

Nice interview! I hope one day to own a few of your works. Congrats on the partnership with Infinityfans.
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Re: Evilos, Disney Infinity custom artist

Postby KyletheCartoonist » Sun Jul 13, 2014 5:52 pm

Ooh, those Infinity customs look amazing! Can't wait until we can see some more!
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Re: Evilos, Disney Infinity custom artist

Postby Elmo STM » Sun Jul 13, 2014 9:03 pm

Would love to see blue lightening
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Re: Evilos, Disney Infinity custom artist

Postby cupcakebandit » Mon Jul 14, 2014 1:53 am

45 mins seems pretty fast if you ask me. :-)
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Re: Evilos, Disney Infinity custom artist

Postby Elmo STM » Mon Jul 14, 2014 2:12 am

@cupcakebandit that's 45 minutes to just put the masking tape on the figure to cover the parts you don't want painted, seems like a long time to me lol
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Re: Evilos, Disney Infinity custom artist

Postby Evilos » Sat Jul 19, 2014 2:09 am

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Re: Evilos, Disney Infinity custom artist

Postby Mr. Skeleton » Tue Aug 05, 2014 12:27 am

Your version of Randy is so much better than the original....
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